Chapter 1

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If you look up the word Greek Mythology, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Greek Gods, Greek Titans, whatever, you would come up with stories. There would be many different versions, and let me tell you this. None of them are close to the truth.

My name is Dark. I am the goddess of shadows and night and darkness. In Greek Mythology I am portrayed as Erebus and Nyx and Hecate. But let me tell you, I am not a bazillion years old, in fact, my sixteenth birthday is in one week. I do however have a complicated family life.  

My mother died right after I was born, my father left me right after. At least that's what I heard from my two elder brothers, Shane and Cole. That isn't even the full story. Do you want the full story? Of course you do. If you didn't you wouldn't be reading this. 

It was eighteen years ago when my parents met. My father is pretty much Zeus and Apollo, except he isn't. Do you understand that? He rules the sky. He represents light and the sun. My mother was the exact opposite. She was like the Hades and the Nyx. She represented darkness and death. I inherited her powers I guess, except for death. My father had tan, tan skin. He had blonde hair and striking blue eyes. At least he did according to the textbooks I read in class. My mother had pale porcelain skin and black hair and eyes. These traits mark the two types of gods. The 'heavenly' gods and the 'hell' gods. I think you can figure out which is which.  

Anyway, eighteen years ago, my mother had two sons, Shane and Cole. They were twins, Shane being just a little older, but they were both 5. My father had two daughters, also twins. I didn't know there names. Down here in the underworld, we didn't care about them. Only about her.  

She was the reason my, our, mother was dead. Our parents dated for a year before the two of us were conceived. A year later we were born. I came first. It was no problem. I was a goddess of the Darkness, that was obvious. Everyone knew Goddesses of the Darkness could easily give birth to children of the darkness. However, no one knew how a Goddess of the Darkness, the Darkness's creator, would react to giving birth to a child of the Light, especially when the father was the creator of the Light.  

Well that night we found out. There was five minutes between births. Then it started. My mother started screaming like there was no end. Her body started to glow. Brighter and brighter until there was nothing left on the bed, except for a little baby girl. That night my mother Hesper, the goddess of darkness and death, gave birth to two girls. I was the first one. I inherited her power over the darkness, and also obtained the power of shadow and night. I was a pure child of the Darkness. My little sister was the second child. She killed Hesper since the little girl was a pure child of the Light.  

My father, Vasilis, had come as soon as he heard Hesper was dead. It turned out he didn't come to grieve his dead lover, but to rejoice in the birth of an heir. He then whisked her away to the Kingdom of Light, leaving the other child. And I'll let you in on a little secret, I wasn't the heir he took.  

"Dark! Let's go! You are going to be late!" I groaned as lights came on.  

"Five more minutes Hera. Please." I groaned at the governess I had been left with since birth.  

"You said that ten minutes ago sweetie." She said. Her hand came up and pulled my hair back from my face.  

"That does sound like me." I grumbled, cracking open one eye. Then the other.  

She laughed lightly, "It does doesn't it." We sat in silence. "I'll let you get ready sweetie." She said kissing my forehead, she walked to the door, "Remember wear something nice. Your brothers are coming home today." Then she left.  

I sat up in bed. I looked around stretching. My room was huge. It was pretty much a big block with two little alcoves directly across from each other. The floor was glossy, dark brown almost black wood. The walls were a bright red. There were white carpets in the room. one was under my king sized bed, the other in one of the alcoves that had a window seat overlooking my city. I stood up, much to the protest of my body, and walked across the room into my giant walk-in closet. I walked over to my 'formal, but casual' cloths. I picked out a pair of black-leather looking pants, a black spaghetti strap that had a little knot between my breasts. I slid on a pair of black strappy high heals and found my white jacket. It went to your waist but the arms were meant to be rolled up to your elbows, which I did. I then walked into the bathroom, and got ready god style. Meaning things were brushing themselves and other things were applying on their own. I was ready in ten minutes. I walked back into my bed room. I snapped my fingers and the bed made itself. The wonders of being a goddess. I thought as I walked out of my room.  

I went down multiple hallways until I reached the dining hall. I took Shane's usual spot at the head of the table. The table was giant, meant for banquets, but since there were no banquets and my brother's were gone it was only me and a bunch of guards standing by the walls. It was weird. It had always been weird.  

"Dark! Sweetie!" A voice called. Great. Her comes that little she witch Shane was marrying in a couple weeks. 

"Ilithya." I greeted her. 

"Sweetie. That is my seat." She walked over and point one long manicured finger at me. She was tall, but that was because of her tall high heals. She was wearing a simple floor-length black dress and was attempting to hide the baby bump I knew was there. Call it a woman thing, I call it a power I inherited from my jerk of a father. One of his daughters, my half sister, was the goddess of children and maternity and all that crap. And since her mother had no powers, she had to get it from Daddy-dearest. 

"Um. Sweetie. I don't think so." I responded in the same bitchy tone. 

"Listen Sweetie. I'm going to be queen in a couple of weeks." She responded. No longer attempting to be sweet. 

It was early, I was tired and I hated her on the best day, "No. You listen here sweetie. I don't care who the hell you think you are, but let me let me in on a little secret. You are only going to be queen for like a few years. Shane only has the throne until I turn 18. You will never have more power than me. I will be queen. Not you. You will just be a filler, just like my uncle was until Shane reached 18. It was all to get me onto the throne. I'm the daughter of a light and dark god and goddess, I'm indestructible, I'm going to be queen, not you." By now I was standing all up in her face. I glanced down, baby starting to show. "But I'll let you have your little chair so you can feel like you have power." I said quietly. I walked off towards the door. I walked out halfway, and looked over my shoulder, "Ilithya, are you gaining weight? Your stomach seems larger." I smirked.  

She gasped. That's right. I know.

"Yeah. Don't mess with the devil." Was all I said out loud. 

I loved how when humans think of the devil, it is always a man. Never did anyone think that it could be a teenaged girl. Well, whatever floats your boat. But I am the devil, just so you know. And my sister it the angel.

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