Makki and maxs sister miranda

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Thatonejadedkid:Hey everyone I have something to confess
Wakeupandsmellthenature:max what is it
Gayvid:max just tell us
Thatonejadedkid:my sister is coming to camp..
Gayvid:MAX you never told me you had a sister that means I have a daughter!
Thatonejadedkid:because she's been out
_____switching to real life___________
Everyone is in the mess hall until the doors burst open to reveal Miranda Greenfield Max's sister
(A/N btw Miranda is a famous model I just searched up Max's sister camp camp on google picture not mine

Gayvid:MAX you never told me you had a sister that means I have a daughter!Thatonejadedkid:because she's been out_____switching to real life___________Everyone is in the mess hall until the doors burst open to reveal Miranda Greenfield Max's siste...

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Everyone looks at max as he hugs his sister
Nikki:Max your sister is famous!!
Max:yes Nikki
Miranda: I heard mom and dad got arrested she says gritting her teeth when she says mom and dad
Max:yeah meet my new dad David and his husband
Miranda waves at them then takes out a big bag of something
Miranda:max look what I brought
Miranda pulls out a iPhone for max
Miranda:I bought you the iphone because Samsung is dumb and doesn't have Fortnite and ik you love that game
Max:Thanks Miranda max says as he tries to grab it
Miranda:you only get it if you participate in David's activity's I heard your a trouble maker
Nikki:max can you share it
Max kinda has a little cute crush on Nikki so of course hes going share it "nikki" he says turning around and looking at her
Nikki remembers max and his temper and says "SORRY MAX I-"
Max stops her in the middle of her sentence saying "sure" everyone except Miranda and max froze only 1 thing going on in there head sure? Max wouldn't do that????
Neil:uh max you ok??
Max:I said sure now whoever wants to try it come over here before I change my mind
Everyone soon rushed over only to look at max playing Fortnite.everyone sits down and takes turns
Max:made it to only 5 other people alive
Nikki:made it to only 3 other people alive
Nurf:made it only to 7 other people alive
Dolph:made it to only 10 other people alive
Neil:made it to 13 other people alive
Ered:made it to 3 other people alive
Nerris:made it to 2 other people alive
Preston made it to 14 other people alive
Harrison made it to 5 other people alive
And Miranda won the game
Max:good job sis
Miranda:you did great too

After Miranda leaves (group chat)
Thatonejadedkid:did you guys like my sister?
Wakeupandsmellthenature:she was cool
TheRealneil:yeah she's a famous model tho i was surprised by that
Gayvid:she's Kind and sweet
H O O E Y: ^^^
Max and Nikki's private chat
Thatonejadedkid:Nikki I wanna confess
Wakeupandsmellthenature:Yes max?
Thatonejadedkid:I kinda have a crush on you
Wakeupandsmellthenature:meet me at the docks
When max goes to the docks
Max was scared of her reaction being humiliated and rejected
What if she gets mad he thought as soon as max arrives Nikki kisses him and he kisses back they break apart after 10 seconds of kissing
Max:I love you Nicolette
Nikki: I love you to Maxwell
Next morning (group chat)
Thatonejadedkid:Morning Bitches
Wakeupandsmellthenature:morning babe
TheRealneil:uh Nikki did you call max babe and max did you just send a heart?
Thatonejadedkid:I asked Nikki out last
Gayvid:WHAT! My son is growing up
Thatonejadedkid: dadddddd
H O O E Y: max why is Davey crying
Thatonejadedkid:me and Nikki are dating
TrashyTv:why are jasper and David crying and hugging each other
Knives:scroll up
Imsocool:congrats Nikki and max
Thatonejadedkid:thanks sports barbie
Wakeupandsmellthenature:thanks ered
Spaceandthestars:guys I just figured out something
Hamilton❤️: oooooh Nikki and max are I love I need to write a play about this and what spacekid
Spaceandthestars:I'm gay
Nerristhecutemage:not surprised
Knives:me either
WHEREISYOURPAPERS:ze other neil is gay
WHEREISYOURPAPERS:no need to get salty
Thatonejadedkid has changed there name to
MaxThegoodboyfriend: heheheheehe (:<
TheRealneil:max??? Why did you change your name to that
MaxThegoodboyfriend: this is David
Wakeupandsmellthenature has changed there name to NikkiThegoodgirlfriend
MaxThegoodboyfriend:good job jasper (:<
NikkiThegoodgirlfriend:Thanks David bye hurry there coming back
NikkiThegoodgirlfriend:why is my name like this
TheRealneil:jasper and David
H O O E Y: fuck you neil god dammit
MaxThegoodboyfriend:ok I'm not going change it I don't feel like it
TheRealneil has changed there name to third wheel
MaxThegoodboyfriend:fuck you neil
Third wheel:what it's true
Real life
Max gets off his phone and goes into Nikki's tent to find her sitting down on her phone
Max:hey babe wanna go into the woods I'm bored as fuck
Nikki:ok babe
They head off into the woods and max shows Nikki to the place quartermaster took him
Nikki:max this is beautiful
Max:not more then you
Nikki:that's not true
Max: oh yes it is
Max kisses Nikki on the cheek
Few minutes after playing around
Max is sitting against the tree arm over Nikki's shoulder
Nikki:max what do you wanna do now?
Max then smirks
Max:make out
Nikki then blushes a bright shade of red
Max leans in and kisses her putting Nikki in his lap then Nikki wraps her arms around his neck making the kiss deeper they pull away after 1 minuet of kissing both breathing heavily
Max:that was nice
Nikki:yes it was
They get off each other and walk back to the camp hand and hand to a worried Neil David and jasper

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