The Arrival

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We pull up to a big metal abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

A few sleek black cars surround the place as we pull up.

"We know where that money is coming from" Derek says under his breath motioning to the cars.

I look at Mercedes for one of her quick comebacks to Derek's comments,

But she just looks lost in thought.

"What are we doing?"  Mercedes whispers,

"We're just kids".

Derek looks at her too, he seems just as surprised as I am.

Neither of us have a response.

We all quietly get out of the car, the laughter from the ride here is now just a distant memory.

Derek looks me in the eyes, all of his bravado gone.

Just a little boy, who is as lost as I am.

It lasts for a second, before he hands me a paper bag and motions for Mercedes and I to follow him inside.

Apparently it is a test for a gang from out of town to see if they can trust "us" as a source.

All I need to do is act the part and give them the bag.

We walk in and I am greeted by four large men in black, I take a deep breath and saunter over to the closest of the men.

"Do you have it?" He asks, voice deeper than I expected.

"Have what?" I say feigning innocence,

"Don't play games with me, little girl" He bellows in a thick accent.

"Hand it over" he says forcefully.

In a second, my cool exterior fades away and I pass over the bag.

He reaches into the bag and finds three bags of brightly coloured tablets.

He puts one in his mouth and instantly drops to the ground.

He writhes in pain on the floor, he suddenly stops and a gurgling sound comes from his throat.

Blood then trickles out of his mouth and nose pooling on the ground beneath him.

I stand frozen horrified at what is happening in front of me.

A note pokes out of the bag that has now dropped to the ground.

It reads "Love Always Shotgun. X",

I look up and it all happens so fast.

They all yell in another language angrily, all of them approach us at an increasing speed.

It is like I am in a dream where someone is chasing you, but you can't run away because your feet are glued to the floor.

In seconds one of the men stands inches from me, reaching into his jacket.

Mercedes screams and I turn to look at her, when I turn back around I am staring down the barrel of a gun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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