Blue Mustang

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I get in the car and put on my seatbelt. Two figures sit in the front seat, a girl and a guy.

"You're being completely ridiculous" the guy growls.

"Me, ridiculous" she screams back with a southern drawl "You better watch your mouth mister".

"What are ya gonna do, lasso me" he smiles sarcastically.

I don't know whether to cut in or not. So I just resort to get lost in my own thoughts, of my impending doom.

10 minutes of fighting pass,

"Will you slow down at least" she screams.

"Not only are you a hillbilly, but now your an old woman" he chuckles.

"I'm done with this conversation" she says turning around and looking straight at the road.

The guy sighs, "So new girl, whats your name?"

I don't answer, still a million miles away.

"Hello?" he says louder,

Suddenly I snap back to reality.

"Oh sorry, my name is Jenny" I say in a small voice.

"Well I'm Derek and this is Mercedes" he says looking at me through the rear view mirror.

The tension in the car, of the earlier fight fizzles away. Apparently I'm a new distraction for them.

After introductions Derek gets to the question I think is on everyone's mind.

"So what would make someone like "you" join a gang".

I tried to play it cool, but I had nothing to say so it came out a nervous stutter.

"I-I don't know",

Mercedes turns around from the passenger seat and looks at me.

"Aw Hun, you look nervous. Don't worry about it too much, I was nervous too my first time" she winks.

Again no matter how hard to I try push it away, the fear runs over me like freezing water. I start to hyperventilate again (as I always do).

"You realise it's not just your ass on the line, it's ours too" Derek suddenly snarls.

Mercedes slaps the back of his head,

"Leave the poor goddamn girl alone" she yells.

"No it's ok", I say calming down, "He's right I need to relax or I could get us all killed."

Derek smirks, "Of course I was right" he says imitating her southern drawl.

Again the seriousness fades away, as we all burst out in laughter at his failed attempt.

Just as I think  I am making new friends, I realise we are not friends. We are just a bunch of kids who are taking a risk.

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