Gang Leader

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I jog up to the abandoned junkyard, as I know from rumours, is where the Wolfers meet up.

I see a rusty broken-down ute and the outline of sharp icy blond hair, that could only mean one thing.

"Shotgun, what a surprise seeing you here" I say with as much confidence as I can muster.

He turns with a cocky grin "I see the wink wasn't enough for you this morning".

I glance around and realise no one else is here with us.

I know the risk of being alone with him, but I feign my confidence and open my mouth to retort.

"Sorry sweetheart, but I'm not the kind to go steady" he says cutting me off.

"Not if we were the last two people on Earth" I snarl back.

"Easy" he says, hands up in mock surrender.

"So, why did you come?" He says curiosity getting the better of him.

"I-I want in" I say hesitantly,

"You?" he says looking me up and down.

"Why should I let you join?" he says darkly,

"Well I could be a drug runner and no one would suspect a thing" I say innocently.

"Interesting offer, let's test your theory then" he says arrogantly.

"W-what?" I stammer,

"A car will pick you up at 7 am sharp, for the deal" he grins.

Fear runs through me, but I can't let him see that for Tyler's sake.

"It's a date" I say coyly walking away,

"Oh, and just be careful" he says sarcastically.

"I can take care of myself" I say without a backward glance.

As I walk out of the exit, I start to hyperventilate.

"Where the hell did that confidence come from" I say under my breath.

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