🙅🏼Chapter 21🙅🏼

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Jennie's POV
"Well I heard of him"He said

I nod my head

"Well he is my Friend and he said that he knows you"I said

Then he look away and His like thinking of Something deep.

"Hey You okay?"I ask

He nod and The Cookies were cooked,I put on a Pot Holder and Get the Cookies out of the Oven.I put in the Cooling Rack so it can Cool for a Bit.I remove my Pot Holder and get the Powdered Sugar and Put some of it on the Top of the Cookies.After like 20 minutes the Cookies were cooled and I put them in there Cookie Jar.

"There it's done and Btw were done Studying too,I think you studied well today I'll just get my Books upstairs and Head home"I go out the Kitchen and Go to the Study Room again.

I get my Book and I arrange it then I heard the Door slammed close,I let out a Scream because I was Startled.I look at it and I saw Jungkook.

"J-Jungkook what the Hell?"I said

Then I heard that the Door was locked,I think he locked it.Then he looked at me and I can see in his Eyes that are full of Anger and Lust.What's his Problem?

Then he walked towards me then I Back out.

"J-Jungkook what are doing?"I ask

He didn't reply and Still walking towards me and I Back out slowly.

"Jungkook Cut it out,Your Freaking me out"I said

Then I reach the Table and It's a Dead end then I looked at him and his already near me.He pinned me down the Table.

"Jungkook!What the Hell are you doing!?"I ask

Then he came closer to my Ears

"You shouldn't make Daddy Jealous"He said and he start nibbling my Ear

That gives me Chill down to my Spine.I can't stop him because he pinned my Arms too.I keep wriggling and Whining

"Jungkook stop it,This is Wrong"I said

Then his Kiss came down on my Neck then he find my Sweet spot and Suck it.

"Hsss~Ah~~Jungkook~~It hurts,Stop it"I said

Then when he was Done,He looked at me and Smirked.

"That's my Mark so now Every one knows that Your Mine"He said sexily

I was surprised and Speech at the same time.He looked at my Lips,Oh no!Sh*t! don't do it!

Then he kissed me..I was shocked!This is my First Kiss!What the Hell!?He stole it!He starts moving his Lips and Tries to open mine because I'm not Kissing back.

His Lips were soft I can't deny that but I know my Limits,I don't want to do this yet.I slightly kick his Feet and He stop kissing me.

He was Confused

"Jungkook I don't want to do this,This is Wrong and I'm not Ready for it"I said then a Tear fell off my Eyes

His Face become Serious and He let me Go.So I stood up then I get my Books and Head out the Room.

I ran downstairs and I saw Taehyung and Jimin playing in the Living Room and they notice me.

"Hey Jennie!How was your Study with Jungkook?"Taehyung ask

"I-it was fine"I said

Then he narrow his Eyes and I think his Observing my Face,Sh*t!I think he noticed that I cried.He came towards me and He cupped my Face.

"Did you cry?"He ask in a Serious tone

Ottoke!?Should I tell him?

"A-ani,There were just a Dust in my Eyes and I need to go Bye~"I said then I remove his Hands in my Face and Ran outside

I arrived at my House and I entered my House,I saw Mom and Daniel Talking to Each Other at the Living Room.

They notice me and I just Smiled.

"I'll just change my Outfit Daniel,I'll be here in a Minute"I said then rush to my Room

I put down my Books at my Study Table and I sat at my Study Chair and I cried.

I don't know why I'm cry but the Only thing I know that My heart ache so Bad..

Hey Jagiyas!Sorry for the Late Update,I've been Curious..Can you rate my each of my Stories the Highest is 10.Comment in the Comment section😊

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