Chapter 1: The news

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Harry Potter's P.O.V:

   I was in the Weasley's house, The Burrow, with Hermione and Ron, my two best friends. After the war, we've gotten more and more famous. All the attention was ours, and everyone was dying to be our friends. I could understand them, I mean, who wouldn't want to be friends with the slayer of Voldemort and his two best friends? We were talking about Hogwarts in Ron's room. Earlier in the day, letters from Professor McGonnagal (spelling??) have been sent to us, saying we were invited to go back there to redo our seventh year, since we didn't learn much last year with the war against Voldemort and all. We were arguing wether to go back or not. Me and Ron were on one side against Hermione. I think you already guessed who was on which side: Ron and I were saying that we did not need to go back as we have defeated the darkest and most powerful wizard of all time. Of course, Hermione was trying to convince us to go back there with her thinking we could use some more learning.

   Suddenly, a faint 'pop' was heard downstairs, so we ran down to see who just apparated (spelling?) here. To my great displeasure, it was Dumbledore, or, as I like to call him, Dumbdoor. He thinks he's the best, wisest and most powerful person, but he's actually a big old loser who can't destroy a ring without getting his hand poisoned. When he saw us, a look of sadness flashed on his face for a few seconds, but it was soon replaced with his usual dumb happy self. "Hello there children. I have come to inform you about the new students. They are coming tomorrow and will be staying here until school begins. I wish you treat them with respect, as they have been through a lot lately." Dumbdoor said. "First of all, we're not children. Second of all, there is no way they have been through more then we have, so i don't see the need to treat them any differently than another person." I told him. Once again, Dumbdoor looked at me with sadness and pain obvious in his eyes. Ha! He's probably just sad that I have surpassed him in power and that I will definitely take his place as most powerful wizard. Well, too bad too sad, he has to work harder to get all of my fame and glory. He turned to  Mrs. Weasley and whispered something in her ear, then apparated away.

   When Dumbdoor was finally gone, we went back to the room, wandering about the three newbies. Even though I acted as if I didn't care, I was actually curious as to who could be strong enough to get Dumbdoor's attention other than me? Not that he's an important person or anything, but I was the only one to get his attention these few years, so... Whatever, he was probably just worried that they'll do something wrong that he'll have to fix later on, so he just handed them to us since we're strong and everyone listens to what we say.

A/N: Okay so this is the first chapter, and, to be honest, I'm really excited. I really hope you like it. Byeee😊

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