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Bruised and battered, you stood on the mass of rubble. Films of thick smoke shrouded your vision as you cringed at the overwhelming reek of fresh blood.

The once thriving city, now completely dull and lifeless. Dead trees littered the area along with rusty vehicles and bodies. The vibrant buildings, now grey and mundane. Heroes of all shapes and sizes scattered around the chaotic scene, trying to evacuate of what's left of the city.

"Our job is done. The rescue team and the police are handling the rest."

Ignoring your lover, dull (e/c) stared blankly off into what once was a functioning city.

"(y/n), let's go."

"Kacchan. They're dead."

Fire red orbs softened in understanding.

"The casualties... some were our classmates from UA."

"Their death was not in vain. They sacrificed themselves for our country. They chose the path of a hero. Death is inevitable."

"Fucking dammit."

"Excuse me, (your hero name)."

You swiveled your head to the new source of sound: a police officer in her mid twenties shivering in fearful awe, perhaps overwhelmed by the presence of one of the the two top heroes in Japan.


"The hostage wanted to see you."

You started your trek to the makeshift infimary silently; the towheaded hero following you. As you entered the tent, the police officer interrupted again.

"The hostage requested to see you only." Nervously flickering her eyes to Bakugou. "I'm afraid he has to stay outside."

You exchanged quizzical glances with your lover and entered the tent. This time, alone.

The waft of antiseptic and dried blood overwhelmed your senses. The rush of energy that once aided your combat slowly seeped out of your body; exhaustion and pain crawling up to the void left by the now vanished adrenaline

You spotted a petite child on a bed. With sluggish footsteps, you forced your sore legs to approach bandage-cladded kid. Nodding at the nurses that swarmed them. They stared at you in wonder before snapping out of their trance and excused themselves to leave you both alone.

"You... wanted to see me?" You croaked out a whisper, staring at the battered child with soft, sympathetic eyes.

The small figure engulfed you. You tensed out of instinct but forced yourself to relax and returned the hug.

"Make a wish.."

It was barely a whisper but you heard it.


"My quirk... I know you know my quirk."

You softly chuckled at her choice of word but nonetheless nodded.

"It's called wish and it will make what you want the most come true." The child rambled.

You were able to catch the string of words the child uttered.

"I know..." you smiled.

A train of flashbacks clouded your mind: the villain using the child's quirk to their selfish desire. It reminded you of the eighth precepts of death incident. Its as if history had repeat itself. The world is satiated with sick people. You can't help but shiver in disgust.

" I don't wanna use my quirk anymore but I want to repay you back! This will be my last time using it!"

"Why me? Deku was the one who stopped the villain. He saved the city—no the world."

"He saved the world but you saved me." She locked her eyes with you; a blaze of determination flaming in her eyes.

You stared at the child in curiosity.

"I am grateful of Deku but I chose you. I can't use the quirk for myself but I want you to have my last wish. Please."

"Okay..." the thoughts of your deceased classmates raced through your mind. You want them back. Ah, how selfish of you. Why didn't you think of the other heroes or civilians that met their demise in the crossfire? Human selfishness, I guess.

"You won't be able to choose the wish though. My quirk will grant what you desire the most."

Her eyes glowed a bright iridescent yellow. Her tiny hand reached you, the same glow of light cloaking her nimble fingers.

And in the snap of a finger,
The world went black.


Edit: The scene takes place when Deku's batch graduated from UA already and are now legitimate professional heroes btw

What's up my doods. Another BnHA story but a hero!reader. Thoughts on this chappie?
I'll update the first chapter once i hit 1k views maybe?? My update is based on motivation lol. Srry for the slow updates.

Oh n It's not a bakugou x reader btw,or is it???? ( ) i don't prioritize romance though so... lol just wait till next chapter!

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