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You groaned in pure agony. Head pounding and throbbing ferociously around your skull; blotches of murky colors raging in your blackened vision. You curled yourself into a pitiful ball of limbs, your duvet: an ocean of sweat.

"Fuckkkkkkkk..." you squeaked.


"Huh?" You tested out your voice, coming to realize it was a high pitched squeal... as if you've never gone through puberty.

Something felt wrong.

Panicked, you swiveled your head at every angle trying to find a clue of what the fuck is going on. Praying to the kami-sama above that this was just another cruel joke of life

Catching a glimpse of a quaint mirror, you come face to face with a panic stricken face. Or more specifically— young you's panic stricken face.

Pain no longer your concern, like a critter, you scrambled off of your oh so familiar bed. Having little to no control over your shortened limbs, you tumbled not so gracefully off the bed and managed to intertwine with the sheets along the way.

"Fuck my life.."

Lmao i guess 1k read is kinda a pipe dream within a prologue eh? Anywayy Srry for the short update BUT fear not, readers!! Motivation is burning within me!~ I'm gonna update the rest of the chapter hopeeeefullly later today as it it 2:51 am currently and my eyes are burning cuz im typin away on my phone in the dark.

Oh and what do you want the reader's quirk to be?? I hv one in mind buttt im not entirely sure tbh soooo comment away~~

Thoughts on this chappie is welcomed too btw heheh

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