"Get up! You'll be late, how many god damn times do I have to remind you!"
'Eurgh, 5 more minutes" I moaned at my evil step mother Madison, as I rolled back into bed, burrying my face in the blankets. "I won't ask you again." she said. "Get up, or you can be left here." Madison didnt realise just how appealing a day at home sounded to a 17 year-old, the poor, evil woman.
"Go for it, leave me here. Who doesnt want to skip a day of school?"
"There's no winning with you, if only your idiot father was here, then you might shift your ass!"
I stared at her coldly in the silence that followed. She knows that hurts me, and she says it every time. Its a wonder she doesnt feel guitly, but then I guess she is the reincarnation of satan him/herself, so she can't be too empathetic.
She strutted out of my room and I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed, my eyes struggling to adjust to the light as I pulled my uniform from the cupboard. I shouldn't have opted for a white bedroom, the paint just reflects the light, as though it's intentionally trying to blind me every morning.
I stumbled down the stairs, grabbed my lunch and was out the door without so much as a goodbye. Normally I walk to school with Madison's devil child, Sabrina. She's a few years older than me and goes to a college down the road from my sixth form, repeating this school year for at least the fourth time. Today I wanted to clear my head, so I left Sabrina behind and walked alone. It's not a long walk, 10 minutes at most, but it's a good chance to daydream, a good chance to think, and forget about everything boring for a while. I like to dream about being a family again, an actual family, with my real mother and father. I don't remember that much about my mother, but I know that she was alot nicer than Madison, and alot prettier too. Compared to Madison's cheaply died gingery-blonde, my Mum was the deepest brunette. Glowing green eyes to Madison's sludge brown. My Dad describes her as a natural beauty, that she looked her best in pyjamas with no make up. He used to say that I was the spitting image of my mother. He said that if she were here now, people might even get us confused. I highly doubt that, seeing as my eyes are such a light blue that they're almost colourless, nothing like my mother's. But it was my Dad's thought that counts. I miss them both, but at least my Dad is coming home soon. He's been on tour with his regiment for almost 5 months now. Nearly time for him to come home.
I walked through the gates of the school seconds before the bell for lessons rang. I don't have many friends here, I've never had many friends at all, but I have Sam. We've been friends since we were kids, my Dad and his Mum were in the same unit for a while, so he understands how it is to have a parent away fighting.
"Hey, how's it going?" He jogged over to me, all smiles as always.
"Ok I guess, Madison was in a mood this morning, kinda disturbed my sleep."
"Ouch, I don't know what your dad see's in her."
"Me neither, maybe she's his rebound." We both laughed. My Dad has unfortunately been with her for almsot two years now, that would be one hell of a rebound. 'What do you have first period?" Sam asked.
"Er.. I think Biology?" I replied, digging into my bag for my timetable. "Yeah, biology then Maths."
"Were you in Mr Temple's set?"
"Yeah, why?"
"He left over the weekend." Sam started. "Some kind of family issue. I wonder what replacement you'll get. We were short of staff anyway, for such a big sixth form. Maybe they've finally hired someone new!"
"Oh yeah, hopefully." I mumbled Sam dropped me off outside my biology classroom and then ran over to join the others heading towards the French department.