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Sam was surprised to see Dylan waiting for her when she stepped off the plane. He hadn't bothered on her last leave. She was about to make a comment when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Has someone stolen my husband and replaced him?" Sam jokingly said.

Dylan just frowned. "No, I'm the same man you married." That was a lie, Dylan thought to himself. He was a fraud. A man that would cheat on his own wife. With another man. Thoughts turning to Iain once more. "Did you take any photos this time?"

"Photos of what? Oh, you mean army life? Yes I did." Sam was curious. Dylan had only been vaguely interested in her last batch.

"I would love to see them."

Approaching the Land Rover, Sam almost refused to get in. Dylan was acting different to normal. And she thought she knew why when she opened the door. Curled up in the footwell of the passenger side was a scruffy looking grey puppy.

"Mr Borthwick and his wife found her abandoned on their farm. They brought her to me because she was hurt."

"And you kept her."

"I hope you don't mind. She is house trained."

"Of course I don't mind. We'd agreed to look for a puppy when I finished this tour. She just found us first."

Dylan smiled as Sam climbed into the car, Dervla in her element sitting on Sam's lap.

"And what did Dylan name you?" Sam looked at the name tag. "Dervla?"

"Irish descent. Like myself. Means daughter of the poet."

"Was her father into recitals?" Sam laughed. "Sorry! It's certainly different....."

"You hate it?"

"I'm sure it will grow on me."


Sam knew that a weeks leave wouldn't bring the domestic bliss she was craving. Lying alone in bed on her second night, she wondered where Dylan was. She found him in the study looking through her photos.

"Started without me?"

Dylan looked up, startled. "Um, I wanted to surprise you with something."

"Can you do that tomorrow? I want you with me in bed."

Dylan nodded and followed her up to the bedroom. He hadn't slept here since his night with Iain, only using the room to get dressed. Luckily, he had remembered to change the covers. To Sam's favourite ones with birds on.

Dylan hated himself because all he could think about whilst having sex with Sam was Iain.

Sam woke up in the night alone. She cried at the thought of loosing Dylan to someone else. There had to be someone else? What else would make him seem so distant?


Dylan had managed to find a few photos with Iain in. He wanked himself off at the thought of Iain touching him, giving him pleasure.

Dylan didn't take Sam back to the airport. She left before he'd woken up from a night spent asleep in his chair in the study. She knew she'd find answers on his computer, but that would mean disturbing him. She didn't want that kind of argument until she knew her suspicions were confirmed.


A few days later, Dylan's phone rang. "Keogh."


Dylan froze. It was Iain.

"It's okay, Sam's not dead. She's upset though. She's convinced that you're having an affair."


"Dylan. I'm just going to come out with this. Do you have feelings for me?"

Still silence, but Iain could hear Dylan's breaths becoming heavy.

"Are you touching yourself?"

Dylan moaned in confirmation. Oh god, Iain thought as he palmed his hardness through his trousers. He was bitterly disappointed that he was standing here in a public, not being able to touch himself properly.

"Imagine my mouth on your cock, my hands cupping your balls."

Dylan grunted. Shit. Iain knew that he was done for. Dylan wasn't holding back. "Cum for me Dylan."

Iain listened to Dylan as he came. It was beautiful. He hadn't really paid much attention with Dylan underneath him and on top of him. But a few thousand miles away, at the end of the phone line, it was pretty hot. Iain wondered what other noises he could get Dylan to make.

Beeps sounded on the line to warn them that they had a minute left. "Dylan, I'll call you again next week?"

"Should you not be calling your family?"

"I write to my sister. It's fine. I want to hear you."

"Hear me wank off to you?"

"You were pretty hot. I need to relieve myself now though. Speak soon."

Dylan smiled at the thought of Iain relieving himself over a porta loo.


Iain pumped himself a few times, murmuring Dylan's name as he came. This was going to be hard to keep from Sam. They were to be partnered up in an upcoming exercise. One that meant they'd be off base for a few weeks.

He wouldn't be able to talk to Dylan and that broke his heart.

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