Dinner {Chapter 11}

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I woke up in my bed which I had no recollection of going last night but then again I was pretty wasted so I don't have much memory of a lot of the night either. I sat up to see a piece of paper at the end of the bed.

"Dear Holly,

Things may seem dark as the war you have been fighting all of your life but One day everything will make sense I promise you however for now my identity will stay unknown but don't lose hope little one I've always been here and no matter what I'm not going anywhere."

Once I had finished reading this note I was kinda confused by this it was like who ever wrote this was speaking in some kind of riddle. I chose to not think about it much longer so I got ready and made my way over to the mikealsons place so I could see Hayley.

When I walked in there was a table filled with food where Hayley,Elijah and Klaus was talking about god knows what.

'Well this is a change'I said announcing my presence.

the trio looked up greeting me with smiles.

Klaus passed me a piece of paper I slowly took it in my hands knotting my eye brows together.

I opened it up and it said "Dinner your home Holly is required"

'Who the hell is this from"I asked 

None of then said a single thing they just looked at me due to this I Was getting very impatient and bored.

"Im getting really bored and impatient ;and I don't do bored and impatient" I rolled my eyes.

"Its from my mother" Klaus told me looking at me dead in the eyes 

"How the hell does your mother know about me because ill let you in on a little secret I've never once met her" 

"Yes well mine and nikauses mother has a way of finding out about people that thinks is important"Elijah informs me 


After the discussion I had at the Mikealson house I decided that I would show up at this family dinner and see how it turns out.I walk into a pub needing a drink so I go straight up to the bar to get some bourbon.

"Hello Holly" 

I turn to see Oliver in the stool next to me with a dark skinned man sat next to him.

"Oliver" I greeted him taking a sip of my drink.

"You look well its great to see you again"

"Wish I could say the same" I snapped

"Hi Im Vincent a friend of Olivers.

"Nice to meet you I'm holly"

"Nice to meet you to I would love to stay and chat however I've got some things I need to take care of"Vincent said before walking out of the pub.

"And then there was two" Olliver turned to me 

"And then there was one" I walked out.


I walk into the room where I saw my mother 

"Guess who I just bumped into mother"

"Who my son" Easter asked 




I am currently walking the busy streets when I see someone who I believed to be dead.But it can't be I saw her die myself she was dead in my arms. So I did they only thing I could do.

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