Help me: Yandere!DarkiplierxReader

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This was just a little spark of inspiration I had earlier this morning :)
Be aware that I am not a medical genius. Some of this stuff won't be accurate so just bear with me.
Also based off of the game 'Try to Fall Asleep'

You went to bed in the flower-patterned mattress as usual.
Every day.
All the time.
You were covered, head to toe, with these little white cloths shaped like circles. The doctor said it was to help you fall asleep better.
Two on your forehead.
One on your chest.
Three on your arms...
Shoulders, wrist, and hand.
And two placed along your spine.

They explained why you had so many, They quote, "Didn't have a lot of doctors to keep an eye on your mental and physical stability each night, so they created a holographic companion to help."
The sensors on your body would trigger the hologram to appropriately handle the problem.

What kind of problems would a person like you have so frequently to be hospitalized so much?
Of course, the ones close to you were aware of your condition. They visited you often with gifts.

The night grew dark and cloudy. The window was left open to lower the room's warm temperature. 85 degrees to be exact. You closed your eyes and sank into the bed with the (f/c) blanket draped over your pale body.

The digital clock flashed '11:16 p.m' with a red vibrancy. The wooden door creaked open from the wind. Your heart rate increased, eyes darting over to the sound. A distorted figure leaned over your body. It stared into your soul with a devilish grin.
Your pale form shook in fear, alerting your sensors. You hid under the blanket to hide from the monster.

"Oh dear, (y/n)....Looks like you hallucinated. My programming suggests that you calm down and go to sleep."
The voices suggests.

It was comforting. Your (e/c) eyes peek out of the covers to gaze at the man sitting on the edge of your bed. The familiar silhouette of Darkiplier sat there with concern. It would be a dream come true if it was the real Darkiplier. But, sadly....only you could see him. A simple hologram or illusion. The staff thought it would be helpful to make the guide someone you knew.

You mumble, tangled in layers of warmth and drool.
"I see you have only gotten an hour of sleep so far, despite being in bed for four.I'm growing concerned for you, Ms./Mr. (L/n)..."

It was true. Your sleeping habits have been getting worse. No one is truly sure why you're staying up so late. You've had taken your medicine, stayed off all electronic devices, and ate a healthy dinner of egg salad and pork dumplings.

In all honestly, you've been feeling lonely lately. Your parents are on a business trip this week and school has kept everyone else busy. Dark has been the one keeping you company, besides the nurses. You longed for the sound of his voice every night. The reassuring words of encouragement brought you joy.

"This isn't healthy for you if you want to be able to explore what this world has to offer.
Perhaps I could order some stuffed animals for security and comfort tomorrow."

You groaned out a muffled, 'Alright' under your blanket. Free stuff sounds nice. This wasn't the first time Dark has suggested buying gifts as a solution. In fact, Your personal coffee table was full of wonderful gifts: Balloons, gift cards, paintings, games, etc.

"Rest well, my darling. I will make sure nothing will ever happen to you."

Dark's transparent eyes glimmered with sorrow and pity at your sleeping form. He was created two months ago and there was little improvement shown. He may be a program, but he grew deeply concerned for you. You didn't know that Dark could see you anytime you were outside the room.
He watched you isolate yourself into the corner of the cafeteria downstairs. It broke his non-existent heart. Tomorrow he would make sure that you would start to work on your health.

Morning came by quicker than you thought. You glance over at your health monitors. It read
'Estimated Sleep: Five Hours'
'Amount of Hallucinations: Six'
'Average Stress Level: 63%'

As the doctor would say "A very disappointing screen to look at, (y/n)."
The clock strikes nine.

The cafeteria would close in 30 minutes for breakfast. Today's menu was cereal, oatmeal, egg casserole, and waffles. Your nurses helped unclip the sensors on your body, back to front. Once they were done, you head down the elevator to eat our meal. Many patients and family members chatted amongst each other about adult topics that didn't make sense, despite being educated of the 'grown up stuff' going on in life.

You choose your meal and ate silently in the back of the room. People pasted by you with pity. But one stopped and looked at you and wheeled their self over to your table. They had a typical hospital gown on with their hair tied back.

"Hello!" They sound cheerful.
"Mind if I sit here?"

They picked up their tray from their lap and placed it on the table. Instead of taking a bite of the food, they turn towards you.

"I'm Kiley. What's your name?"
Oh, great. Here we go! Off into conversational land!

"I'm (y/n)..."

"Pretty name. It suits you!"

"Thanks for the compliment."
The person nods. They kept staring at your forehead for a while. You scrunched your eyebrows, puzzled and uncomfortable.

"Do I have a bug on my head?!"

"No No! Sorry for being so rude but I couldn't help but notice...."
They didn't continue, trying to think of the right word. You felt inpatient and felt for anything unusual on your forehead. Then, you realized the nurses forgot one of the sensors on your head.

"It's a thing I have to wear to help me sleep. It's fine."

"Oh! Interesting...How does it work?"

"Well, it senses your stress level and stuff to alert people if I'm having trouble falling asleep."
They occasionally nod to prove that they're listening.

"Oh ok...Well, I better finish my breakfast before they close up."

"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead! I'm going to the restroom anyway."
You quickly exit the room before they have time to respond. Sweat pooled down your forehead. You didn't know why. You didn't  even feel nervous.
Once you entered the stall, Dark's glitches into view with a mischievous smile. He's planning something.
"I missed you so much, Ms./Mr. (Y/n).
Why would you ever talk to anybody else without my permission? It makes Dark very angry."

Dark was never this possessive with you. This was why you were sweating. Your body was trying to tell you something. To get away as far as you can.
"You're n-not the boss of me."
  His smile fades into an irritated frown.
"I'm try to help you, my darling. I need you. Without you....I will no longer be useful. And I will make
Sure that you and I will be together....forever."

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