First Day...

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First day of school.

Jake POV:  "Finally, I will be out of here by this time next year!" I hollered at Shaun in the passenger seat of my VW Beatle. Yes, I drove a with it. "Dude, did you ever plan on going to college?" Shaun asked, "You could get scholarships and stuff and you" Shaun always loved to party. It's a jock thing. He may be a jock and me an outcast, but we have always been friends. We did everything together. But now, we're seniors. He has parties, I got music and drawing. He gets all the girls, I don't. Its normal high school. "Oh shit! Can you drop me off here?" Shaun asked. "Yeah, no problem," I reply. "See ya man!" "Later!"

Just a normal day, alone, heading to school, jamming out.

When I got to school, I had to talk to Sheryl. She was cool, but we had a project. I was looking around, but then...



Hey man, just got some. $20 a gram. Need any?

Yeah. I'm at school. Gimme a few to get there.

It took me a while to get out of school for a bit, but I have my ways. I was the master of sneaking out of school. Our school won't let anyone out unless they have a certified pass from the office, which are hard to forge. Everyone has that way to get out, but I have my own. I go to a study hall for my first period, which is easy to get out of. After that, I just had to get out of the building. I go through the riskiest part of school to get out: The Principals Hall. This hall has all the principal offices, hence the name. You would think no one would sneak out that way, but its a perfect spot. It has a straight shot to the doors. They may have windows, but they're always on their computers, so its a piece o'cake. I start to sneak out, but then I hear the sound. CREAK! "Hello?" SILENCE... The door shut with a nice thud. I burst through those doors and got into my car and left. Wow..Time to go! As I started to drive, I felt an odd feeling that I really never felt before. I started to think, do I like Mary Jane because she is a dealer or she is who she is? Beautiful, funny, happy, a good friend. As I thought of this, I got a call.


"Hey man."

"Whats up Shaun?"

"You are kinda screwed. The teachers know you snuck out of school." FUCK!

"Really!? FUCK! How did they find out?"

"Dude, you dropped your notebook by the doors."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I see it in Big Boy's office."

"Well, I'll get through it. Imma let you go. I just got to M.J's."

"Aight, be sure to keep it in your car. He'll probably search you."

"Thanks for the heads up. Later."


Well, I guess ma will find out. I may be screwed.

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