The First Date..ish

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Jake POV:  Ok, you got this. It's only a date. You'll be fine.

"Is something wrong?" M.J. worried.

"No, no. Just thinking," I lied, but the look she gave me told me she knew I was a nervous wreck. I kept thinking and trying to calm myself, but then I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of music playing. I guess she likes Lil Xan. We started to rap and sing along to "Betrayal" and "Sad!" before we showed up at where I was planning on taking her. I knew of this nice field with a natural spring so we could maybe swim if the water is nice enough.

"Wow. This place is beautiful!" M.J. said enthusiastically, "Why did we come here of anywhere closer to home?"

"Well, I thought you might like it out here more than anywhere else. Mostly because of the wildlife here," I started to explain, "The animals here seem to really like being around people up here. I've seen a couple deer and even a crane by the spring."


"There's the response I was hoping for," I laughed out, "You can go find a spot to sit, and I'll get the blankets and food."

"Okie dokie artichokie!" she said while practically falling out of the car.

"Oh shit! You ok?" I said while jumping out of the car to get to her.

"Yeah, I think so... I found where I want to sit now!" She said happily.

"Yeah, where do you wanna sit?" I questioned her while getting the stuff out of the trunk.

"Over there, by the spring," she pointed out, "Kinda by the trees and reeds."

"Alright, you need help up?" I questioned while holding out my hand.

"Yeah, thank you good sir," she said while trying to sound like Shakespeare. Odd... did she hit her head that hard?

"Of course m'lady, did you hit your head?" I worryingly asked her.

"No, I feel like I can be me around you. The real me. The nerd me, the smart me," she said while blushing.

"Well, I'm glad you're comfortable with me, M.J." I said happily.

There was an odd silence for a bit. When I looked back at her, she looked at me like a woman in love looks at someone in the movies. I felt my heart beat faster and faster until I thought I would burst. Then, she said the one thing that brought joy to my shitty life.

"I love you Jake."

After she said that, I froze for a moment, remembering all my years in high school. Everyone said they loved me, but M.J. MEANT it. I could tell by her voice.

I moved up to her and kissed her. She seemed shocked for a moment, but she kissed me back. I don't know how but we ended up on the ground wrapped in each other's embrace. We kissed for what seemed like a blissful eternity.

"I love you too, Mary Jane. I always have and always will. No. Matter. What."

Little did I know, those words would change my senior year forever.

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