A Day with Mary Jane

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Jake POV:  "I'm so happy you texted me when you did." I say relieved.

"Yeah man, you got the cash?" M.J. asked.

"Of course I do." We make our exchange, then I get the nerve to finally ask her the greatest question a guy could ever ask a girl. "Hey, I was wondering...." I start. "Yes," she answers excitedly, " I'd love to smoke a bit real quick." FUCK. WHY DIDN'T YOU FINISH YOUR THOUGHT!

"I'm kidding, I'll let you finish your question," she says after she sees my face of regret. "I was wondering...if you wanted to go on a date..." I say nervously.

M.J POV:  Really? He wants to date me? Why? I would love to date him, but look at yourself! You deal drugs to get by, you didn't graduate, you live like a pig. But, he seemed to always like you though. Remember in 6th grade he stopped Kevin from.. y'know. Yeah, but it would be torture for him to love me. Really why would he want me?! SHUT UP! He has always liked you, if it wasn't obvious enough. He stopped Kevin, who was 10 times bigger than him. Of course he loves you. He always wanted to hang out before you started dating Sheryl, but then he gave up. He thought he didn't even have a chance. Wow...

Jake POV:  Time seemed to freeze in that moment, and an onslaught of memories hits me. I remember in the 3rd grade we always hung out, going to the park, birthday parties. Then the 6th grade, we grew distant, but after I found out that her brother was beating her, I made sure he would never forget to fuck with my friends. And now, in this moment I see with clarity, that I've always loved her. Not like food love, but LOVE love. But I can't just break it right now!

"R-really? With me?" she says surprised, "I-I'd really like that. Do you have any plans?"

"Well, I was wondering where you wanted to go. It can be anywhere you want." I said trying to hold back my excitement.There was an awkward silence for a moment. "I want to go out to the country, and finally see the world outside of the city for once," she said with subtle confidence. "You ask and you shall receive," I say calmly, "I'll see you after school. Say about 6ish?" "Sounds great!" she exclaimed, "See ya then!" "Ok, see you then Mary!" Wow, this is actually going to happen! This was only the beginning of the craziness of senior year.

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