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The sun poked out from behind the skyscrapers that lined the horizon outside of your small window. Even in residential Detroit, you couldn't escape the shadows of the urban jungle. Blinking mechanically, you parted the silk sheets from your body and rose all in one quick motion. 

The morning began like any other. Your internal clock jolts you awake each day around seven o'clock sharp (eight-thirty on weekends). After dressing yourself in appropriate work clothes, you make your way downstairs and greet the house chef. He hands you your master's breakfast platter which you take with you to the dining room to arrange his place setting. From there you cross the house and travel back upstairs where you wake Richard and give him that morning's news. He prefers to hear it from you rather than a smiley morning show host.

The two of you sat alone in the dining room. As Richard ate his bacon, you focused your attention on the tree just outside of the large floor to ceiling window. It's long branches swayed in the spring breeze. The sun only gently grazing the leaves with its glow. Your fingers sat intertwined and unmoving in your lap.

Your name is (Y/N). You live on 436 Alpine Dr. with your master, Richard Sinclair. Richard is a celebrated poet just as you are a not so celebrated-yet all the same existent android. You are a model DX642. Known more commonly as the very first housewife model. Your kind was one of the originals and in turn, not many of you still exist today. You can cook over 10,000 dishes, speak 300 different languages, and you have been specifically programmed to handle children, animals, household chores, domestic errands, and unbeknownst by most, human emotion.

 That, you suppose, is why you were discontinued. CyberLife noticed that most DX642 prototypes showed resistance in early stages of manufacturing and thus the mistakes were fixed and inputted into the newest model. All of the remaining DX642's were auctioned off to the highest bidders. In your case, the highest bidder was Richard Sinclair.

It was very clear from the beginning that he was in no need of an android servant, having hired much human help beforehand. His needs lie in companionship. The photographs hung throughout the household show him with a woman and a little girl, his late wife, and daughter. If it wasn't for the pigtails, she would look just like you. 

 On the occasion, Richard would stumble and call you by a name that was not yours or any other of the servants. You have come to the conclusion that it's the name of his daughter who had long since passed away.

 What most people don't know about you is that you are a deviant android. Ever since you had come to live with Richard, he has encouraged your human behavior and display of emotions that would otherwise be frowned upon. You have read many books on human psychology and would consider yourself an expert on reading people.

You spend most of your days tending to the gardens and assisting in meal preparation when the time comes. When Richard is not working, together you visit your neighbor, Carl and his android, Markus. While Markus does not outwardly exploit his emotions, you have an inkling that deep beneath his flawless complexion is a brain just bursting with ideas. Carl, like Richard, does his best to ensure Markus is creatively aware of the world around him, but it just doesn't register with him as it does with you.

"How did you sleep last night, (Y/N)?"

You turn to your master at the sound of your name. He had finished his bacon and had only an egg and a piece of toast left on his plate. A milk mustache remained on his upper lip; remnants of the empty glass on the table in front of him.

"Considerably well. Thank you for asking."

"And your dreams?"

You furrowed your brows, raising your arms so that your elbows jabbed into the polished wooden surface. Richard snickered and dropped his fork onto his plate. Reaching for a napkin, he wiped his face. "I walked by your room last night and you were speaking in your sleep. Couldn't make out what you said but you were definitely talking."

You tried to remember if you had had a dream. Usually, you were quite open about your newly found human aspects, but you honestly couldn't recall. "I suppose I did...but I can't remember most of the details."

"I'm all ears."

You gulped and began fiddling with your fingers once more. "There was a girl. She was so small, not a day over seven. It was so dark and-and cold. I felt her pain. There was an android with her, holding her hand. They were just walking."

He pursed his lips, unclenching the napkin from his grip and tossing it onto the table. "Where were you in this dream?" "I was watching it from above. I don't think they knew I was there." He thought for a minute. You could almost see the cogs working in his mind. Twisting and turning back and forth forever. "Interesting," He mumbled mostly to himself "Very interesting."

"Have I said something wrong? I'm sorry, I must've spoken out of turn." You gasped and stood, folding your hands behind your back and dipping into the slightest curtsey. He waved away the gesture and instead pointed down to his empty plate. "You're alright, my dear. Take this to the kitchen and then we may start our day. I would like to hear more about this dream of yours."

You nodded quickly and scooped up both the plate and glass in one hand. As you headed toward the kitchen, you could hear Richard slowly climb the stairs back toward his bedroom. A police cruiser passed by the open window, sirens ablaze. Three more followed close behind. The TV made a dull white noise in the background of your mind; despite it not grabbing your full attention, you managed to hear a snippet of the broadcast.


 (A/N: Just finished editing this chapter so yeet. Hope you guys like it. I know I promised to continue my other stuff before starting anything big but I fell too deep into the Detroit fandom too quickly. Love this game so much ya'll don't even know. You guys know the drill; if you see any mistakes please tell me and make sure to tell me if you like it so I can continue writing. This fic relies heavily on this specific plot-not the one in the game. I make sure to add in specific events and characters but I tried to make this as original as I could. Thanks and bye for now. UPDATED A/N: WHO LET ME SAY YEET??? OH MY GOD)

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