Chapter 1

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 You had just finished packing Richard's luggage when he walked through the door of his bedroom. Ever since you could remember, he traveled halfway across the country on the first weekend of every month to meet with his publisher in Georgia. The private airport that he used to travel back and forth was strictly human only, along with the hotel he stayed at in Atlanta. 

 None of the staff at his house worked during the weekends since there was no one home to cook or clean for. After pulling some strings, Richard made it so that you would spend the weekend watching over the daughter of his good friend, John Phillips. This had been routine since you had come to live with him.

Zipping up the last corner of his luggage, you lifted the navy blue duffle bag and dropped the straps into his awaiting hands. Richard murmured a quiet 'thank you', his lips twitching into a smile. You could tell that he hated the meetings out of town; whether it be a hatred for the state, its inhabitants, or that by going there he would be leaving his home behind.

The autonomous taxi honked from the curbside. A timer on the tinted window displayed the number 50, then 49, 48, 47, and so forth. Allen turned to you and used his free hand to ruffle the hair on your head. "You be good, kid. The Phillips' expect you at the penthouse in an hour. I hate telling you this but be obedient. Got it?" Your eyes flickered from the taxi outside to the old man in front of you. He searched your face for a response. Hesitantly, you nodded.

"I'll be good. I've been programmed to handle small children such as Emma. Besides, Daniel will help me with cooking and upkeep."

Richard smiled but the gesture didn't quite reach his eyes. Without turning back, he left through the front door and piled himself and his luggage into the taxi. A soon as the door opened, the timer (which was then at 34) faded away into a jumble of pixels. You watched as the small black car zoomed down the neighborhood and became one with the expressway traffic. You made sure he was completely out of sight before walking back inside and locking the front door behind you.


"(Y/N)! You came!" Emma greeted as the elevator rolled to a stop and the doors pinged open to reveal the entryway of the Phillips' residence. She and Daniel sat knee to knee on one of the plush velvet couches that lined the corridor. As soon as you emerged from the elevator, she had sprung up from her seat and into your arms. Emma adored both you and Daniel, her main caregivers besides her parents.

The small girl jumped from her seat and met you in a hug, almost knocking you to the floor. You smiled down at her and patted her on the back affectionately. As she pulled away, Daniel smiled and stood to greet you as well. He wore his pristine white uniform, save for the small purple friendship bracelet on his left wrist. You assumed it was a gift from Emma.

"Good evening, (Y/N). Do you have any bags I can take for you?"

He knew that you didn't have anything baggage wise, but it was in his programming to ask any and all guests. "It's good to see you, Daniel. I haven't brought anything with me this time. However, I did promise little Emma here that she would be getting a present from me for her birthday next weekend." He nodded and Emma squealed with excitement before running off down the hall. You and Daniel began walking in that direction.

Daniel had begun showing signs of deviance around the time of your sixth visit to the Phillips' residence. The first time it was no big deal. Emma had scraped her knee on the playground and he had shown a bit more compassion than necessary in his first-aid software. You had let it slide.

The second time was a bit more severe. You and he had been ordered to put Emma to sleep while Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were arguing. To the sounds of it; Mr. Phillips was under suspicion of sleeping with one of his secretaries. As you tucked Emma in with two of her favorite stuffed animals, Daniel stood near the doorway, mumbling to himself. "They should have more decency than to fight about such mature subjects in the presence of their own daughter. It makes me sick." You had turned to him, mouth open in shock. He scoffed and turned out of the room without saying goodnight to Emma.

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