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It wasn't the light of morning that woke Alex and his shadowed companion, it was painful shocks.

A weak taser was being shoved non to gently into the flesh of his upper arm. he sat bolt upright, suddenly wide wake.

"come with me" a harsh guteral gruntlike sentance that was snapped at him by the bearer of the taser. he had to admit it was an unusual wake up call.

" i think i'd rather stay here thanks" sarcasm was alex's coping mechanism, it made his punishers angry, anger causes mistakes to be made.

He was grabbed and hauled roughly to his feet. The taser returned, this time aimed at his back. "move". with no other constraints Alex did as he was told. He walked at a less than brisk pace out of 'his' cell and along the dark damp corridor, he was sure they must be under a lake, the walls were covered in moss and water dripped from the ceiling.

As prisoner and guard plodded down towards a door, a man watched silent from a cell. He never spoke, he refused. But when this prisoner, this boy, passed he cried out. One word. A word that changed Alex's life.


It was then Alex realised why He had bee sent in. anyone could have retrived Crawley. But only he could have got this man out.

Alex Rider: A story behind every scarWhere stories live. Discover now