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"I love him."

Scarlett mumbled under her breath to remind herself, looking out the foggy window. She lifted the hand that wasn't holding Cameron's, wiping it away to get a clearer view of the black scenery outside. Everything was barely visible, only the silhouettes of buildings showing. She wasn't sure if she was informing him that she loved him, or if she was reminding herself.

"I know you do. Everyone who has eyes does." Cameron replied casually, his eyes on the road as he took a right turn. Here began the block of fraternity houses, and his was at the end of the street. He gave Scarlett's small hand a squeeze, urging her to continue with her explanation without actually saying anything.

Scarlett's teeth sank into her bottom lip, biting it. A part of her wanted to spill it all out to him just to try and get this overwhelming burden off her chest. But the other part of her, the rational part of her, knew better than to tell some guy who she barely knew that her boyfriend cheated on her. Not only because it was a very personal problem, but because she didn't know how he would react.

Exhaling a sigh, Scarlett found that she was in a sharing mood tonight as she began to tell him about her eventful and heartbreaking night.

"You know, Mrs. Dallas, the professor, always gives us those 5 minutes to do whatever instead of actually dismissing us." Scarlett began. "So I pull out my phone to check my texts like everyone else, and.." It was like she was reliving the tragedy. Her eyes were brimming with tears again and she took her purse off her lap, shuffling through it in search for the phone. He could look for himself.

Cameron had just parked his car and was about to shut the engine off when a phone was shoved onto his lap. He was very startled, jumping a bit, but soon picked it up in his hand, glancing at the photo Scarlett had been wasting her tears over. His eyes slightly widened at what he saw and he felt his heart breaking for the poor girl. Finding out someone you loved was cheating was painful enough, but getting photo evidence was a whole different field. The pity he had for her got bigger, and while he knew people despised pity, he couldn't help it. He dropped the phone back in his lap and reached across the car, pulling Scarlett in a hug as best as he could with his hand still in hers. It would be an understatement to say it was one of the most awkward situations the both of them had been in.

"I am so sorry. No one should have to experience that, especially someone like you." Cameron murmured quietly, his free hand rubbing smooth circles on her back. Scarlett was very comforted by his words and actions, but she was slightly confused as to what 'someone like you' meant. Did he mean a loser like her? He must have, Scarlett highly doubted that he knew anything about her. Yet she stayed silent, clinging to his warm body, melting into his strong embrace.

After what seemed like an eternity, the two pulled away from each other. Cameron looked sympathetic, still trying to grasp onto everything. Why would Alex cheat on such a beautiful girl? Especially one who seemed like she had a good heart, which was something you didn't find very often nowadays. He wanted to personally yell at the stupid college student, beat him to a bloody pulp. He despised cheaters with a passion, seeing as his father had cheated on his mother.

Scarlett looked plain sad. Her doe eyes were still glossy and her cheeks were tinted red, little stains showing on her olive skin. Her lips were slightly purple from the cold, and her shoulders were slumped. If heartbreak had an image, she would be it.

Cameron eventually had to let go of her hand, turn off the engine and get out of the car. It wasn't like they could stay in there all night. He made his way to the passenger's side, opening the door for the girl. She stepped out, eyes scanning the setting. It was much brighter here, and she could see red cups scattered about the normally beautiful lawn. She also saw drunken boys and girls making out by the bushes and on the lawn chairs, practically doing it. Her nose crinkled. Scarlett had never been a party type of girl.

Cameron took Scarlett's hand once more, leading her inside the loud fraternity house. She was careful not to step on anything or anyone on the way. As they came in, you could see what was outside with tripled intensity. Strobe lights, booming music, girls dancing on tables without tops on. It was like being inside a club, only everyone was underage. The duo pushed through the crowd as best as they could, Cameron trying to get her to the safety of his room in the house. They were doing pretty well until Scarlett bumped into someone's chest.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" She instantly exclaimed, doe eyes widening. She felt terrible, and had Cameron not tugged her forward, she would have never left, spending the whole night apologizing. As she was tugged forward, the stranger grabbed her other hand, tugging her back. Scarlett looked up to see who it was, and her heart instantly stopped when she saw. It was Alex, drunk and looking a mix between confusion and anger.

"Who's that, Scarlett? Why are you going with him?" He slurred out, eyes locked on Cameron. Cameron's jaw was set, his hold on Scarlett tightening the smallest bit and his glaring gaze on Alex. Alex was much taller than him and a lot more buff, but with the anger Cameron had for the guy, he was sure to win if they decided to fight.

"Let go of her, Alex." Cameron said as calmly as he could, once more tugging a helpless Scarlett forward. Her ex-boyfriend's grip on her remained, refusing to let go of her. Of course, he was oblivious to the fact that she knew all about his scandal.

"She's my girl, man. I'll hold her if I want." Scarlett bit her bottom lip, looking at the ground. People's attentions were suddenly on the trio, and the music had completely stopped. The universe was working against her today. Cameron took a few steps forward, letting go of Scarlett as he came chest to chest with Alex. He was in no mood to play around.

"If you don't let her go, I'll beat the shit out of you." Alex smirked, only tightening his grip on her. Scarlett let out a small cry of pain. Her wrist was starting to hurt. She watched the scene unfold, a moment she would never forget.

Cameron's fist had connected with Alex's jaw, and as he stumbled backward, he accidentally let Scarlett go, giving her the opportunity to step back, which she didn't hesitate to take.

"Stay away from her, you cheating son of a bitch!" Cameron yelled, instantly turning around and taking Scarlett by the waist, pulling her away from the stunned crowd and towards his room. Her mind was swirling. Why did he feel the need to protect her? Would Alex come after them? Did she want to go with Cameron? It was really all too much for her. Her head was pounding.

All of a sudden, it was black.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, okay. So this is a filler chapter because I wanted to update but didn't know what to write, and if you didn't get the ending, Scarlett fainted. Be sure to vote and comment, thanks for reading!

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