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She went from light to heavy within seconds.

Cameron had been so caught up in the adrenaline of punching Alex he hadn't noticed how pale she looked or how she was reacting to all of this. But as she suddenly fainted, Cameron's arms were weighed down by her unconscious body. He stopped, looking to check on her only to be disappointed in himself when he saw her shut eyes and how the corners of her lips were turned down in a frown, dried tears leaving stains on her olive toned cheeks.

Of course, he didn't hesitate to lift her up into his arms, carrying the girl to his room in the fraternity house. This was a slight struggle not only because of the college students drinking on the staircase were blocking his way, but because he couldn't seem to find a way to grab his key from his back pocket without dropping her. Eventually, Cameron figured himself out, stuffing the key into the doorknob and twisting it, pushing the white door open. He walked inside the room, shutting the door once more with the bottom of his foot to try and block out the sounds of the ongoing party outside.

Once Scarlett was set onto the bed gently, Cameron went to his built-in bathroom, grabbing a soft cloth and turning on the warm water from the sink, running the cloth under the stream of clear liquid. When it was damp enough, he made his way back to the unconscious girl, setting himself on the edge of the bed and dabbing at her cold face with it. He attempted to wipe away the makeup that had come off her eyes when she was crying as well as the rest of the gunk on her face, and came to see that she was very beautiful without her eye makeup.

The dark colors covered up most of her lid and without it, she seemed much more innocent than she already did. Almost child-like. His hand stopped moving, resting at her cheek as he simply took in her details. Her small, button like nose, her rosy cheeks, her dark, long eyelashes, how deep her Cupid's bow was. She was the epitome of natural beauty, and he wondered why she even bothered with the smoky eyes and the tight dresses she wore to parties. She didn't need it.

Just as he moved his hand away, she began to stir. First her eyes fluttered a bit, though they didn't open. After that, her hand moved a bit, bringing them to rub at her eyes. Cameron backed away from her a bit, placing a hand on her knee in a concerned manner. "Scarlett?" He called out softly, his voice quiet and like a sweet lullaby, almost making Scarlett want to sleep. But she didn't. Slowly opening her eyes, they met with ones the same color as hers, a caring look in them.

"Cam- I- Where-" Scarlett blinked a few times, trying to sit up only to lay back down when her head pounded in protest. A hand flew up to her temple, a small whimper of pain emitting. Cameron instantly tensed, half standing; ready to help at any given time.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything? I'll go get aspirin." Scarlett nodded her head in consent, eyes closing once more while a hand rested on her stomach. Cameron stood up fully, heading to the bathroom to get the girl some painkillers. When he came back with a couple of white pills and a large glass of water, he set it on the nightstand. 

"Why am I in here?" Scarlett weakly questioned, her throat dry as she once more tried to sit up, this time fighting the pain and forcing herself not to lie back down as she reached for the medicin and water, bringing them both to her lips. 

"I was getting you away from Alex and the party, and this was the first thing I thought of." Cameron replied, playing with his hands while he watched her. Scarlett nodded once more, a frown pulling at her lips. Her eyes were droopy. She felt so tired, both mentally and physically. 

"Thank you, alot, Cameron. You didn't have to do that." Scarlett mumbled, letting herself lay down on the extremely comfortable bed. This only made her even more drowsy, and she was struggling to stay awake. She didn't want to fall asleep on him. He was being so very kind to her, the least she could do for him was stay up and keep him company. 

Cameron noticed how tired she seemed, though. He had always been observant like that. It was his favorite quality about himself. Grabbing the quilt at the end of the bed, he set it on her petite frame, smiling a bit. She looked like a child, a very adorable little child, all curled up and half asleep. 

"No need to thank me, just go to sleep, Scarlett." Scarlett yawned, and a few seconds after, so did Cameron. Bringing a hand up to rub at her heavy eyelids, Scarlett then moved it to latch onto his shirt. 

"Please stay with me. I don't want to be alone." And Cameron couldn't bring himself to decline. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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