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He found her while she was cying.

Scarlett had been on the snowy floor outside her college classroom for the past twenty minutes after all her fellow classmates had vacated the area to go party on this freezing Friday night, shoulders shaking and eyes red from the tears that couldn't seem to stop while her nose was red because of the chilly winter wind blowing against her face relentlessly. 

Her professor had given them a few minutes to themselves before he properly dismissed them and Scarlett had pulled out her golden smartphone, checking the few messages she had from the small number of people who knew her. Scarlett was no popular girl or beauty queen, so she had a very tiny group of friends. Her only texts were from her mother, her boyfriend, and her best friend. Aria had sent her a picture that she had never imagined she would see and almost dropped her phone at the sight of the image. It was her boyfriend, her Alex, with some tramp on his lap and his tongue down her throat. Scarlett's vision blurred and her mouth went dry, standing up and bolting out of the classroom instantly. No one came after her, so either no one noticed or no one cared. 

Once she felt the cold breeze whip her face, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her back pressed against the brick wall of the old school building, eyes welling up with tears. But she knew she couldn't cry until everyone left or she'd get strange looks. A minute or two passed and 30 or 40 kids rushed out of the boring class in a large swarm, no one sparing her a glance as they rushed to the warmth of their expensive cars and pulled out of the parking lot, head lights brightening the dark atmosphere before going back into black as they all vacated the area and bringing her back to being all alone. It was like she was invisible, and yet she was content with that thought. Still, she waited for a few minutes before she dared to let out a few tears, wiping them away with her hand and sniffling in distraught. 

How could he? She loved him for two years. She gave him everything she had. All the love she owned went to him, and not even a sliver did she leave for herself. She had spent the past two years wearing his dirty t-shirts to bed so she could inhale the scent of his expensive cologne and whiskey and stressing over what to get him for anniversaries and birthdays and holidays. She had spent the past two years making him dinner and wearing clothes she didn't feel comfortable in to make him want her. She had even gone as far as giving him her innocence in a desperate attempt to keep him. Boy, was she stupid for doing so. 

But as she stood there with hot tears running streaks down her olive toned cheeks replaying every single thing she could remember, she slowly began to see his bored expressions and his monotone answers that she didn't catch before. He never loved her like she loved him. And so the question was not how could be, but why wouldn't he? Who wouldn't cheat on a girl no one knew or cared for? 

Scarlett's knees buckled below her and she slid to the ground, a small, helpless sob escaping, soon followed by many others. She couldn't stop. Her breathing was unsteady and her eyes were bloodshot. Not to mention the fact that her hands were slowly going numb from the winter wind nipping at them. She felt so incredibly drained, and eventually she ran out of tears to cry, leaving her a sniffling mess. 

A somber looking boy exited the classroom she had thought was empty, hands in his pockets and eyes slightly wet. He had just got done arguing with his girlfriend and his mother, the college proffessor had witnessed all of it. They had ended up breaking up, and while he hadn't been in love with her, he had cared enough for it to hurt. His mother had tried to comfort her but he still felt sad. Yet, he refused to let tears spill until he was back in the safety of his room at his frat house, knowing he had to keep a strong front until then. 

His eyes were transfixed on the empty parking lot ahead of him, letting the cold numb his body and hopefully his heart until he picked up the sound of soft sniffling a little ways away. Tilting his head down, he noticed a small body curled up, showing no signs of her face. Instantly, the kind boy knelt down, concern clearly showing for the unknown girl. 

"Are you okay?" He asked in a gentle tone, placing his chilled palm on her shoulder. Scarlett gasped at the contact, her body tensing. She had been sure no one was here to witness her break down. Her cheeks were now tinted red, embarrassed to be seen so vulnerable by someone she didn't know personally. Lifting her head up a bit to peek her eyes out, she look directly at the person who had caught her. Cameron Dallas. Now, she didn't know him as a friend, but she knew he was in the fraternity Alex was in, so she had seen him before. 

Cameron recognized those doe brown eyes no matter how bloodshot they were. From the pictures Alex constantly posted of the two on Instagram and the few times she'd came to theit parties, hanging out with their group, her face had been etched in his brain. 

"Scarlett?" He questioned, his tone softer than before now that he knew who she was. The heartbroken girl looked away from him, eyes on the lone star in the dark Santa Barbara sky. She was guessing he would tell Alex about this run in and they would laugh at how pathetic she is later on, so she tried not to let him see how the pain her eyes showed and the tear stains.

"Don't you have a party to host or a girl's heart to break, Cameron?" She sniffled out, completely avoiding the question he asked when he first got here. Cameron was taken aback by how distant she sounded and how soft her tone was despite the incredibly harsh words. If only she knew what he had just experienced, she would know he was in the mood for neither of those. 

"It'll go on without me, and I don't break hearts. Besides, I know Alex would want me to get you to the fraternity house safely, so." The mention of Alex made Scarlett whimper again, a hand flying to cover her mouth. Her vision blurred once more, the image of him coming back to her and a fresh round of tears began to pour out. Cameron's brows furrowed, as he stood up, offering her a hand. 

"Please let me drive you. I don't want you getting hurt." He said, not knowing if Scarlett would recklessly get herself in a car crash or not. Judging by the state she was in, he wouldn't be surprised if her face came on the news if he didn't help her. Scarlett finally looked up at him, and for the first time she actually took him in. The concern was present in his eyes, something Alex never showed, and he had beautifully shaped lips. He also had this jawline that wasn't too prominent but subtle enough that it was attractive. His skin was tanned and his hair was styled nicely, not too messy. Her mouth parted slightly. He was so handsome, no wonder he was so popular around here. And he was being so kind, despite her being rude to him earlier. 

Instinct told her not to pass up the offer, that it would be stupid to, and she took his hand, his warmth radiating onto her icy palm. Cameron helped her up, keeping her close in attempt to shield her from the freezing December weather, though it probably didn't help much. He could hear her teeth clattering. He led her to his car, helping her into the passenger's seat before making his way to the driver's place. He brought up the heat, waiting for it to warm up the small car before he pulled out of the parking lot, beginning the half hour drive to the fraternity house. His hand found hers, running his thumb against the smooth skin in attempt to soothe her, eyes never leaving the road. Scarlett mentally noted how calloused his hands felt while he marvelled over how soft hers were. 

Neither really acknowledged his actions. The only sound in the car was Scarlett's sniffles. 15 minutes into the drive, Cameron glanced at her, giving her hand a small squeeze before direction the majority of his attention to the road. 

"I'm here for you. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, and Scarlett took in his question, thinking about her answer. 

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