Stupid Cupid

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto. If I did, NejiTen will be canon!!


A long-haired blonde kunoichi locked herself in her room. Sulking. Why? Her attempt to make the boy she liked to like her back, failed again. She just want to sulk in peace and think about the matters related to her plans. Plans to take the heart of the person she likes.

"What's the matter with me?!" she acclaimed exasperately.

Well, she never failed to ask that to herself. Ino was a total babe. Boys, whether they're civilian or shinobi, were attracted to her. Seducing males is an easy job for her. She even tried seducing him, but it never worked to the pale-skinned boy and right now she ran out of ideas.

She even attempted to make him take her out for the fireworks display tonight as the village celebrates the Valentines day but before she can materialize what to say, he excused himself because he was going to do something important. Yeah, sad life.

'Maybe it's because of my attitude.' she said to herself as she give a big sigh.

Was she too loud? Too clingy?  She didn't actually touch him many times as she actually do. Was he annoyed of her?

What on earth she just fell for anyway? A emotionless anti-social guy who has very mysterious personality and loves to draw stuff. Yeah, she fell for an EMOTIONLESS person! probably he don't have any idea of what to react on things and feel. He probably never feel the same way as she feels.

"Argggh!" she growled as she stand up from her bed and reach for the mini  glass sculpture of cupid which Sakura give to her earlier as a valentine present . (They give presents to friend on valentines day too.)

"Oh Cupid, please help me. Pierce him with your arrow of love, so he may fall for me!" she uttered desperately. Too desperately that she even talk to a stupid lifeless sculpture. Moron.

But suddenly a puff of smoke appeared from where the mini sculpture is. Her eyes widened as she found the sculpture turned to a person. It was wearing a shinobi gear, with a red cape? and a red mask in his head. He looked like a superhero with a shinobi suit.

She can't tell who was it and who is it supposed to be. The guy looks so weird.

She took the hidden kunai on her bed incase it was a rogue shinobi who took her room as a hiding place. She pointed the kunai to its face.

"Who are you?!" gripping the kunai tightly.

The guy smiled from ear to ear.
"Hi! I'm Cupid."

She hold her urge to laugh. Did she heard it right? He's Cupid?! What a stupid attempt as if she's going to believe his dumb excuse.

"You're who?!" she keep her serious face.

"I am Cupid."

That's it, she can't take it anymore, and laugh her ass out.

"You're Cupid?! What a dumb joke!" she said between her laugh.

The man just stand there staring at her. He was serious. She noticed it and stopped.

"Wait, seriously? You're Cupid?" Ino asked with disbelief. He nodded.

This was stupid? Cupid isn't real. His just a part of literature and he supposed to be in Greece!

"Cupid wasn't real." she said, crossing her arms.

"Well, I am standing infront of you. Now believe it." he calmly said.

'Someone's setting a prank on me!' she said to herself. 'If it was a prank, I should know who's behind this and break his or her neck!' she added. She realized that she need go with the flow until she learn who was playing with her.

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