I love you💕

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Renjun: "Let's go home now!"

All: "Okay!"


After we entered the van, I decided to sit at the back since I find more comfort whenever I sit at the back.

"I'm just dreaming right?" I asked myself.

Why?! Just why oh why?! Sighs, why do I have to sit between Na Jaemin and Zhong Chenle?

Jisung: "Aren't you going to sit?" He asked as I rolled my eyes and decided to seat between the two because all the seats were already occupied.

Minyoung: "Great! Just great!" I mumbled to myself, annoyed and crossed my arms.

Jaemin's P.O.V

Minyoung: "Great! Just great!" I heard her muttered and saw a glance of her crossing her arms.

Minyoung: "Oppa~ can we please exchange seats?" She moved forward to ask Jeno.

Jeno: "Why?"

Minyoung: "Please?"

Mark: "Don't let her exchange seats with you." He whispered to Jeno but loud enough for me and Minyoung to hear.

Minyoung: "I hate you!" I heard her mutter again.


Everyone was fast asleep except for me and I can't help but to stare at Minyoung after she fell asleep. She was sleeping soundly on my shoulder and I slowly remove a strand of hair that was covering her beautiful face.

A/N: idk why but i'm cringing af😫

Jaemin: "I forgive you Minyoung, but please promise me that it wont ever happen ever again." I said and caressed her cheeks before kissing her lips.

Minyoung's P.O.V

I was woken up when I felt a hand touched my cheeks and then suddenly, I felt someone attached their lips onto mine.

I opened my eyes and saw Jaemin. I unconsciously kissed him back but he quickly broke it after he felt me kissing him back. The hell? It was our first kiss, why would he ruin it一 oh wait, he's still probably mad at me, sighs.

Jaemin: "W-were you awake the whole time?" He asked stuttering.

Minyoung: "No.." I spoke with a sleepy voice.

Jaemin: "Cute." I heard him mumbled.

Minyoung: "J-jaemin-ah.."

Jaemin: "Yeah?"

Minyoung: "A-are you still mad at m-me?" I stuttered because I'm hella nervous for his answer.

Jaemin: "No, just promise me you wont do it again and never let a boy touch you except for me." He smirked playfully and leaned forward.

I just closed my eyes until I felt our lips touched once again. It was a passionate kiss until we heard someone.

Jeno: "Ehem, Please go get a room."

We then broke the kissed and I looked down from embarrassment.

Jaemin: "Let's just sleep again."


Jaemin's P.O.V

Jaemin: "I'll carry Minyoung to my room."

Mark: "What? No, you can't, didn't you said that your back aches?"

Chenle: "I'll do it!" I heard him say.

Mark: "Okay." He said and I glared at him then to Chenle.

Jaemin: "Don't. Even. Try. To. Touch. Her." I said sternly and sent him a death glare.

Chenle: "Y-yes, hyung."


Minyoung's P.O.V

"I really really like you Youngie and I hope you'll like me back too." I heard someone say and I'm pretty sure it's Chenle. I then felt the boy kissed my forehead and left.

I sat up from my bed, well not really because I'm at the dreamies dorm and I'm laying down at Jaemin's bed. I stared at the wall for awhile until I heard the door open.

Jaemin: "Oh, you're already awake."

Minyoung: "What time is it?" I asked still half asleep.

Jaemin: "Dinner time, let's go?"

Minyoung: "Okay." I said and went to the dinning room with Jaemin.

Jisung: "Are you two.. you know."

Mark: "Sit down and eat."

Minyoung: "Who cooked?" I asked.

Jeno: "Renjun." He answered and started stuffing his mouth with his food.


Minyoung: "Jaemin-ah can I ask you a question?" I spoke and looked up at him.

Jaemin: "Yeah, what is it?" He asked.

Minyoung: "Do you still love me?" I asked curiously.

Jaemin: "What kind of question is that? Of course I love you!" He said and pecked my lips.

Jaemin: "Let's go to sleep now, shall we? You have practice tomorrow right?"

Minyoung: "Yeah..."

Jaemin: "I'll drop you to SM."

Minyoung: "I love you, Na Jaemin."

Jaemin: "I love you too, Lee Minyoung."



QOTD: Are you a noona/hyung to Jisung? {For me Jisung is 3 yrs older than me so that makes him an oppa for meh😂}


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