Chapter Four

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"Ugh!" Eleanor said as she slammed her book onto the desk.

"What's up with you?" Marinella asked as she too put her book down on the wooden desk.

It was Friday and the two girls were in the library, allegedly reading.

"It's Jacqueline! She's out to get me or something... I don't even know. And for no apparent reason too. I swear I never did that girl anything and suddenly she's my biggest problem!" Eleanor explained.

Marinella looked at her and then just suddenly busted out in a fit of laughter. She definitely didn't understand her friend's situation at all and thought that Eleanor was going completely ballistic.

"Seriously! She was like 'good luck' and she's been like super rude to me. She told the freshmen that I slept with my Physics teacher to raise my grade and yesterday when she spilled that soda on my blazer, let's just say that I don't think it was an accident."

"Els, don't you think that maybe you're just being a little paranoid?" Marinella asked.

"Paranoid? Paranoid can kiss my ass!" Eleanor said sharply. "You can't even begin to understand what I've been going though this entire week. I lost my boyfriend because of a freaking fourteen year old bat. Do you know what that feels like!? I'm guessing no. We've been together for two years. Two years of my life I can never get back, ever! And not to mention my reputation, that I've been working on for most of my life, is on the line because of Jacqueline's little rumours which she finds oh so funny. I'm sick and I'm tired of her attitude so Marinella, I don't think anyone's earned the right to call me paranoid," she said.

As she finished she pounded her fists on the table. She felt as though she was com-busted air in a balloon about to blow at any moment but luckily, Blaire as usual came to the rescue.

"Oh my God! I've been searching for you guys for like forever!" She said breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Eleanor asked as she gently massaged her friends back in circles.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You guys so won't believe what's going on right now in this school. Heck, I couldn't believe it either myself."

"What's going on, Blaire? Spill it!" Marinella said tapping her fingers on the table impatiently.

"The rumours were not accurate. Autumn's not the right sister. It's actually Jacqueline who has syphilis!"

Eleanor's eyes turned into big round o's while Marinella wasn't quite catching the drift.

"So? What's it to us? She finally got what was going her way..."

"Don't you see? If Jacqueline has syphilis, and she and Jesse slept together..." Blaire trailed off.

It took a couple of seconds, but Marinella caught on soon enough. Her face lost all its colour and her lips were twisted into a frown.

"Marie, you feeling okay there?"

"Yeah, I just need a little water and I'll be just fine. I'll see you guy in Geo!" she said as she got up and shoved the book she was reading into her bag.

"Okay?" Eleanor said, her face holding a confused expression. Marinella probably didn't even hear her seeing that she was off with such a speed.

"What's with her? And why aren't the two of you on such good terms anymore?" Eleanor asked turning to Blaire.

"Nothing... I don't know what you're talking about. I have to go so I'll see you after school," she said quickly and ran off leaving Eleanor all by herself at the table with all sorts of thoughts passing through her head.

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