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AN: I wanted to get this out yesterday but time wasn't on my side. So this is a really nice chapter with a hint of the heaviness to come. I personally agree with Scott on his clothing statement. You'll know what I mean when you get to that part. I enjoyed writing this because of the love behind the whole thing. Have fun reading the shenanigans of the band. 

Warning: Brief panic attack in latter half of chapter. 


 Mitch was already enjoying shoot day. All thanks to his big boy. He made one comment about his legs hurting and Scott was carrying him to the church that they were going to film in. Being carried like a new bride was the best part of it. "You are so extra, Samantha," Mitch said as Scott walked into the room where the band and crew were supposed to congregate.

"The fans do say that is my middle name," Scott said as he gently settled Mitch on his feet. "There you are my queen." He bent over and kissed Mitch's hand. Mitch's face got red and he couldn't help giggling. Scott was honestly too much.

"I would separate you two right now but I am still full from all those funnel cakes and churros," Jonathan said, bringing Mitch and Scott's eyes to him. Their manager was laying his head on a desk. He looked like he wanted to go back to bed. Mitch could sympathize. When he woke up that morning, Scott's body was so warm and his bare chest was heaven. They had only gotten up because Austin kept blowing up their phones.

Mitch heard a groan somewhere behind them. He looked to see it was Esther. She looked out of it, honestly. "You're telling me. Are you sure there wasn't any alcohol, Scott?" She had her head being held up by her hand that was on a table thing of some sort.

"I'm pretty sure. I think you are feeling like that because of when Avi and Kevin flipped you in the bounce house last night."

Esther groaned again and threw her head into her bent arm. Mitch felt bad for her. It was probably a mixture of all the fun yesterday and jet lag that was messing with her. "You're lucky. I don't think I will be stomping anytime soon," Kevin said as he came in. Mitch and Scott immediately looked down at what was attached to his leg. It was the other third of the Trio. "Kirstie, you are going to make me lose feeling in my leg. Come on!" Kevin was trying to walk over to a chair to sit. It was taking longer than usual with the extra weight.

Kirstie just moaned and latched on tighter. "No," she whined. "Too tired." Jonathan didn't seem to be up for handling anything and was trying to curl up.

"You know we wouldn't feel like this if we actually didn't have to do this shoot so early," Austin said coming from the clothes racks.

Mitch didn't see him there. Had he been there the whole time? "We couldn't. They are having service this evening so we had to do it now," Jonathan huffed as he tried to get comfortable again. Mitch saw that Candice was coming from behind Austin. Huh?

"We've been trying to organize these church robes. I think I hate purple. There's so much," Canidce said, holding up one of the robes. At least she didn't look dead on her feet like the others.

It was then that Avi walked in. "Okay the film crew is set up. And there is also breakfast. Coffee included." Mitch perked up when he saw the other brunet. He skipped over and threw himself in his arms.

"Avi," he shouted happily as he hugged him.

Avi laughed at Mitch's affection. "It's good to see you too, Little One." He hugged Mitch right back just as tight.

"Who is ready to praise the birth of Jesus," Matt called out as he walked into the room, entirely too awake for the early hour.

His enthusiastic words were met with a series of groans from almost everyone in the room. "Tell Jesus to come back after New Year's," Kevin griped. He was now sitting with Kirstie, who was sideways on his lap with her legs sticking out. She had her head on his shoulder and was out. Kevin had his head on hers and was somewhere between conscious and unconscious.

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