Chapter 6

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(First of all, I am so sorry that I was away for so long. College has been kicking my ass, and I have only gotten inspired to write after my other story reached 300k views. Now, there was a different Chapter 6 than the one I am posting right now. I typed a whole chapter that didn't fit with the story if I posted it as a Chapter 7, so I am deleting the previous Chapter 6 and am posting this new one since I know what direction I want to go with in the story now. If you guys want, I can post the original Chapter 6 at a later date. So, here's the new Chapter 6!)

                The next day I got up bright and early to get ready to sight see around Nashville. While I was doing my makeup, I looked on various websites to see what all there was to do. One of the things I really wanted to do was go to the Opry Mills Mall and see the wax figure museum they have there, and when I relayed this to Alex he laughed, "Is that all you want to do?

"I honestly don't know what else is here; it's not like I've been here before." I retorted.

"I thought you were looking at your phone earlier to see what you wanted to do." Jack said.

"All the stuff I saw I didn't really want to see. It either costs money or is about country music, and while I do like some country music, I don't like all of it. I figured I would just let you guys drag me around and get to see what you guys find interesting and want to see."

"We didn't want you to feel like you were being drug everywhere, though," Rian said, "we wanted you to have a choice on what you wanted to do because you haven't had many choices in your life until now."

I sighed, "You're right, I have lived most of my life not doing things without a choice, but one more afternoon of not choosing won't kill me, and technically I am making a choice: I'm choosing to let you guys drag me around Nashville." All the guys nodded in agreement, even though I could tell they weren't satisfied that I was just tagging along and not choosing anywhere to go.

"Wait, you said that some of the things you wanted to do costed money and that's why you decided you didn't want to go," Zack said.

"I mean yeah. I don't have that much money to my name now, especially since I quit my job and am touring with you guys. It's not like I can keep a steady job while we're moving places every few days," I said and crossed my arms.

"We can pay for you, you know. You're already living with us, it's not much more to pay for you to have experiences," Jack chipped in.

"But that's the thing, I'm already living with you guys. It's not fair for me to expect you to provide for me the whole time. Once the money I have is gone, I'm planning on jumping off at whatever stop we're at and try to survive."

"You know that sounds ridiculous, right? How are we supposed to let you just jump out when you have no money? Where are you going to stay? If you're that worried about making money then we can find you a job on tour," Alex said.

"But that's taking a job from another person."

"Are you serious? Every option we are giving you that will allow you to survive in a safe space and help you figure out what you want to do you turn down. Why are you denying our help?" He asked.

"Because I've never had anybody be this nice before. Sure, my sister was nice, but that's probably because we were all each other had. The people at work were nice because they took pity on me because a child was looking for a job. My aunt's staff was only nice because they knew we were living with a bitch and tried to make life as bearable as possible for us. You guys are actually taking me in and letting me live without, and not out of obligation. It terrifies me to be treated this way because it has never happened, so I push you guys away because I do not want to get hurt," I said. I didn't realize I was crying until all four guys surrounded me in a group hug and I felt my tears getting Rian's shirt wet.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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