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Today is just like every other day in the past four years, and that is being late. I slept through my 15 alarms! What a talent to possess.

As usual, I did my morning routine in such a fast way so that I won't miss my first class. Well I did it everyday and now that I'm almost done with school, nothing changed. It's very seldom that I actually wake up early, and obviously today is not one of those days.

I just grabbed my coat and left the dormitory. My roommate isn't around already because she is such an early bird, she wakes up two hours before I do.

I ran to my first class as I passed by other students who are looking at me. They're probably thinking why the hell do I look haggard this early in the morning. I don't care though, I'm here to study not to look good.

As I approached the room, there were no people. Where the heck did they go? As far as I remember Physics class is every Friday!

I fished for my phone in my bag only to see tons of messages from my classmates in that subject. Facepalm is all that I can do with the stupidity of mine.

I just remembered that we don't have class in Physics for today, which means I don't have class until 1 p.m.

Great, Abby. You just spent your time into nothing and rushed for nothing and looked like an old lady early morning.

I called my roommate who is my classmate in that subject.

"Haia!" I yelled as soon as she picked up. I heard her laugh on the other line, which is a sign that she knows why I called.

"You forgot that we don't have Physics today, am I right?" she mockingly said.

"Yes because my great cousin who is also my roommate didn't remind me!" Sometimes I forget that she's my cousin because she just lets me do stupid things.

She just laughed and dropped the call. Now, I have no choice but to go to the library or coffee shop. I don't want to take the risk to go back to the dorms because there's a hundred percent chance that I'll just sleep and not wake up for my next class.

I sent messages to my friends to invite them to the nearest coffee shop just to hang out or finish school works. Yes, I've met some good friends in the past four years. Some already left but I'm here because of those who stayed.

I arrived at the coffee shop, and my friends are already there. They saw me and motioned for me to come near.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them because their laptops and papers are already on the table.

"Research paper for Mr. Gregory, as usual." Angel answered me and showed me the drink they ordered for me, the usual iced americano.

I took out my laptop to try writing my research paper for History but I got too indulged in watching K-Pop videos that I forgot about my schoolworks.

This is when my eyes caught something, Stray Kids. I heard they're very successful now, and I'm happy to know that their fandom is growing big without toxic people in it.

I'm proud of what he's become, but as I watch them through the screen of my laptop, I can't help but want to see them in real life.

I can never hide the fact that I miss him so much more than anything.

I bitterly smiled as I remember the way I left him. I knew he was there at the airport. I saw him cry and search for me frantically. I remember how he shouted my name desperately, wanting to see me.

Damn, I remember how I ditched my flight because I badly wanted to run back to his arms. It's still fresh in me how the airport's speakers announced that my flight left already but I was staring at him as his world was falling apart.

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