I Picked Her

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Leo's  P.O.V
After I finished talking to Sheri I went to sleep for a bit. I woke up when I heard the bus door open and close. I got up and looked out the window. Charlie had left the bus. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I made some popcorn and watched stranger things because Sheri recommended it. I trusted that it would be good when she said it would be. After a while, Charlie came back and sat down next to me. It was awkward because he was always telling me that I should watch the show and I only did when Sheri told me to. We sat there in silence for the rest of the episode then we went to bed. When I went back to bed, I couldn't sleep. I just stayed up thinking about Sheri, I don't know what it was but that girl was like a drug or something. I wanted to call her but I knew she was sleeping. When I finally fell asleep I had a dream about skipping through a meadow with someone next to me. I was pretty sure it was Sheri but when I looked at the person, it was Charlie. He pulled me close and kissed me, and I kissed back. The kiss lasted for a while but then my stupid alarm clock woke me up. I woke up to a breakfast that Charlie had gotten me. When I saw him that morning all I could think about was my dream and what it meant. Then I realized I was being dumb, it obviously didn't mean anything. I'm around Charlie all the time, so he usually is in my dreams. But never like that. I stopped thinking about it and just ate my breakfast. When I sat down to eat Charlie came over to me. "morning" he said annoyed. "What's wrong. You look...." then he cut me off. "How did you sleep?" He looked even more annoyed now. " was your conversation nice?" I didn't respond, I knew if I said anything he would just get angrier. But I knew if I said nothing we would be ignoring each other all day. " why are you acting like this"  he took a while to respond. " why are you so into her, you act like you " KNOW" her but you've  only had a real conversation over the phone. We've know each other for years and you still act like I'm a stranger to you half the time!" His face was red and he had tears in his eyes. "well I'm sorry if feel so left out, but it has nothing to do with you! It's not all about Charlie all the time! So just stay out of it and stop acting so jealous!" I stormed into the next room. When I got in there I wished I had taken my breakfast with me. I called Sheri. She sounded happy to hear from me, which made me happy. I told her about our fight and she told me that I should stop being dumb and just apologize. I knew that was what I should do but I was too prideful to do it. But when she said it I swallowed my pride and agreed to apologize.

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