The Apology

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Charlie's  P.O.V
After we finished watching stranger things I went to bed. When I went to sleep I had a dream that I was being chased through the woods, but I didn't know what was chasing me. It caught up to me and tackled me. It turned me over and I could see that it was Sheri. I recognized her from the meet and greet. She growled and yelled " Leo is mine!" And she started clawing my eyes. Then I woke up. I knew I needed some fresh air so I went and got breakfast. When I came back Leo was still sleep but woke up a couple minutes later. When he came to eat breakfast we got in an argument. It was my fault though. I was acting jealous. My dream just made me really paranoid that Sheri would take Leo from me. After our fight Leo went into the other room. I hear him talking to someone over the phone and I knew it was Sheri. I listened in on their conversation again. About ten minutes later they hung up and I heard footsteps approaching the door, so I ran. Leo came out and walked over to me. I was pretending to be doing something on my phone. "Hey Charlie, what are you doing" I didn't respond. "look, I'm sorry okay. I shouldn't have said the things that I did. It wasn't fair to you. We're best friend so if anyone has the right to stick their nose in my relationship, it's you." I laughed, which made him laugh. We hugged and everything was okay again. "so how is she?" I asked with a smile. "oh my god! she is amazing and nothing less. She is smart, funny, and gorgeous. I've never met anyone like her! We like the same things and she has a great voice!" I was glad that she made him happy. "that's great, but when are you going to see her in person?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea. She lives in America. She only came here for the concert" he looked sad now. I tried cheering him up. "hey it's okay, you'll see her again. I promise" he smiled knowing that he would see her again, some day. After that we binge watched the rest of stranger things. By the time we finished it was already 3:00 am. We stayed up and talked for a while. We made a pact that we would always tell each other everything. No more secrets, no more lies. We will be completely honest with each other. After all, we are best friends. "Leo since we're being honest with each other now, there are a few things I should tell you." I was so nervous. " it's okay, you can tell me anything" he looked at me reassuringly. I took a deep breath "when we first started the band I thought of you as some annoying little kid" we laughed at that one. "Come on Charlie, be serious" he said. " okay, I'm jealous of your hair" we laughed again. "Charlie!" " okay okay, I'm serious now." I sighed. " when you and Sheri talk over the phone I listen in on your conversation" I looked at him but he was grinning. "that's okay, if it were the other way around I'd probably do the same" I was glad he didn't get angry. "well, other than that I tell you everything" I said confidently. "really there's nothing else?" "well... there is. The reason I've been acting so jealous of Sheri is because I was afraid she would take you away from me" It felt so good to get that off my chest. "WHAT!?! Are you insane. I could never pick a girl over you! How could you think that!" He was shocked. "I know it's stupid but I was scared, I even had a dream about it last night". "A dream?" I hoped he wouldn't ask about it. "Yeah, I was being chased through the woods by Sheri. When she caught up to me, she tackled me and said "Leo is mine!" That made him laugh like crazy, so it made me laugh like crazy. When we finished talking he said "last night I had a crazy dream too."

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