The End Of A Tour

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Charlie's  P.O.V
After Leo sent out that tweet about being gay, I thought about doing the same thing. But then I realized something. I'm not even gay. The only reason I was with Leo is because I love Leo and being with him makes me feel safe and happy, but I'm not attracted to any other guys. I don't think I'm gay, I think I just had a very intense bromance with Leo. The next day after dinner with Justin, Leo came in and told me that him and Justin were official. I was so happy for him. But I still had never met him and I really wanted to. I asked to meet him so Leo took me to his house. His house turned out to be a pent house, which was amazing. Leo could have told me he was rich. Justin was very... umm...uhh.. well.. hot. But I'm not gay, I swear. Justin was really nice and he had a bit of an edge to him. He was just really chill all the time. He never seemed to be afraid or nervous which was pretty cool. And I could tell that Justin and Leo really liked each other, which made me happy. Afterwards Leo and I had to get our stuff on the bus, Justin came along to say goodbye. We got our stuff on the bus and we were gonna be leaving in about 5 minutes. I got on the bus and looked out the window. Justin and Leo were kissing goodbye. Well, it was kind of making out goodbye. When it was time to go I had to come out and get Leo because I knew he wouldn't come in on his own. Then we were back on the road and on our way home. Leo looked a little sad so I told him some very bad jokes, which always make him laugh. Then Leo got a text from Justin. They texted the whole way back home. When we got back home I looked at him and said "I know your thumbs hurt." He laughed. "Kind of" He said. We got our bags and put them in Leo's house. We were gonna take mine home later. Leo unpacked and I made dinner. It was really late, but Leo and Justin stayed on the phone for about 2 hours. I could tell that they really wanted make the long distance thing work.

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