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"Hold up

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"Hold up. You saved his ass? HOW?"

Kou asked for the nth time.

Asagi took a deep sigh looking incredulously at her companion.

I thought avoiding the question would divert him to something else, I guess I was wrong. Nosy bastard.

"Alright, yes, I saved his ass once. You know what I'm capable of."

Asagi answered but Kou doesn't seem so satisfied with the answer.


He repeated.

"He got somewhat cornered by hunters, and he was badly wounded that's why he couldn't escape so yeh I was close by and yeh saved his ass. I'll tell you the whole story next time, just tour me as planned."

Kou pouted at her statement, but agreed either way.

"The rooms here are vacant for upcoming new clubs if the students gets more creative

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"The rooms here are vacant for upcoming new clubs if the students gets more creative."

Kou motioned for the rooms aligned in the hallway.

Asagi nodded as they went deeper in the campus.

"We actually have two music rooms. One is that one-"

Kou pointed at a particular room.

"And that there is the other one."

Kou pointed at another which was at the end of the hallway.

"Why two?"

Asagi asked looking rather bored at the other blonde.

"Well I just heard this, I dunno who really started it, but they say it's haunted. Such wusses right? But a lot of complains was passed to the chairman the previous year. So he decided to have another music room."

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