'you're not cal'

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in which harry mistakes simon for his best friend, calfreezy

cal and i were supposed to be meeting in 'the spot' in the woods in ten minutes and like usual i was running late. 'the spot' was literally just a small clearing with some logs and a small fire pit, but it was where me, cal and his mates often hung out to drink and get high.

i practically ran all the way there, the cans and bottles in my rucksack clanging against eachother. as i ran down the final path i saw cal. i pushed myself to run a little faster before jumping on his back.

"what the fuck?" the tall blonde called out, shrugging me off his back and spinning around to look at me.

"oh shit... you're not cal." i said glancing up at the strangers face and then quickly down to the floor. i could feel my face growing warm as i fidgeted with my thumbs.

"nope, but i'm assuming you mean airey right?" he asked, i quickly nodded. still not looking up at him.

"i'm simon, i'm on the way to meet them all too." he said smiling at me. i could feel my heart pounding as i looked up at him, his smile was beautiful.

"i'm harry." i told him. we both turned to continue walking towards 'the spot.'

on the way there i could feel simon's stare scrutinising me and it made me nervous. on the odd chance that i allowed myself to look up at him i noticed something new that made me find him even more attractive than before.

"well i see you two have already met then." cal said with a smirk as simon and i emerged from the path in the trees and into the clearing. he suggestively raised his eyebrows and i quickly shook my head.

simon wandered off to speak to some of the others there, i recognised a few of them but as always there were new faces. cal knows way too many people. once i saw no one was paying cal and i any attention i grabbed him and pulled him to the side.

"you didn't tell me you had hot friends." i whisper yelled, poking him in the chest accusingly.

"i did. remember the guy i was telling you about that i said you'd really like?" he asked with a chuckle.

"which fucking one cal, there's so many?" i asked, he was always trying to set me up with his friends.

"you know the one i said you'd actually like. the one that called you cute." he said and then i remembered.

for the longest time cal had a picture of me and him as his phones lock screen, he told me that one of his mates had seen it and said that I was cute. when cal told me he had said that the mate was really hot and that i'd like him. he wasn't wrong.

"yeah, you was kinda right you know." I admitted, looking over to where simon was standing. cal started to laugh.

"got a crush on him have you?" cal said, nudging me with his elbow.

"he probably thinks i'm weird though." I said, doubting that I ever even had a chance with him.

"why? what did you do bog?" cal asked, shaking his head.

"I thought he was you... and I... ran up to him and jumped on his back." I admitted, the second I had finished talking cal was almost in tears from laughing.

"it isn't funny cal." I whined.

"look i'm sure he isn't bothered. he's a nice guy." cal told me, wrapping an arm around me and guiding me back to where everyone was sitting.

"right now have a drink and enjoy yourself." he said, handing me a bottle. I nodded and took the drink, taking a sip.

a few hours later and we were all fairly drunk. I was sat on one of the logs further away from the rest of them with a bottle of beer and a spliff when I felt someone sit down besides me. I looked over to see it was simon.

"hi." he smiled at me.

"hey." I replied, offering him the joint. he took it and slowly snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I sent him a questioning glance which he just shrugged off.

"you're really cute you know." he whispered after leaning down close to my ear.

"th-thanks." I stuttered out, was this extremely attractive male flirting with me?

"i'm being serious." he whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

I couldn't think of anything to say back, so I tilted my head to look at him and just sat there staring. he flashed me a quick smile, handing me back the joint. I found his smile just as beautiful as I did when I first saw it, butterflies were flying around my stomach.

he started to lean his face down closer to mine until he was just millimetres apart, I noticed just how captivating his eyes were as they stared back into mine. then he suddenly just pulled my body closer to his and brought his lips to mine.

i wrapped my arms around his neck as i let him lead the kiss, he pulled me on to his lap and started to kiss down my neck.

"wanna come to my place later beautiful?" he mumbled into my skin. i nodded in response as he smirked.

part of me really wants to turn this into a full book?

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