(4) Trust Issues - Part 2

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The continuation...

We were together happily with just little fights and arguements here and there because that's just natural for couples to do so.

After two years of us being a couple, unexpectedly a day came when Jungkook texted me that we had to meet at our usual hangout place which was the school garden after classes ended. I immediately went there after my class ended but he wasn't there yet. So, I waited for about five minutes when I saw him walking to me with a serious face on.

I greeted him with a smile but he asked me to sit again while he sitted beside me on a bench.

The silence was killing me. I was waiting for him to say something since he said he had something to say to me.

"This is hard for me Jihyo but I have to do this please understand. Let's break up." He said straightly without any hesitations right infront of me.

After hearing those words, I felt like the world has fallen on me. I had to confirm it again. "Wh-what di-did you say?" I asked him stuttering, tears were starting to escape out of my eyes.

"Jihyo, let's break up. I mean it seriously." He said calmly.

"But why?" I asked him crying my eyes out.

"I don't love you anymore. I have fallen out of love. That's it." He shortly said.

"No, you're lying. Aren't you? Jungkook please don't do this. Did I do something wrong? Just tell me and I will change for you." I begged him.

"No. I'm not lying Jihyo. I said what I said. I'm in a rush so I'll leave now. Bye Jihyo." He said. It felt like he didn't care at all. Just like that, he left me there crying without even glancing back at me for a second.

I didn't know what to feel that time. I felt mad, sad, broken, shattered, miserable, confused, shocked and painfully hurt all at the same time.

I had so many questions, the why's and how's to ask you but I couldn't had the chance because you left without any proper explanation of our break up. Just like that, it seemed like you became a different person from the Jungkook I used to love at first.

After that incident, I didn't go to school for a week because of how miserable I was. I was lucky that the final exams were done and that the school year was ending. I didn't want to see you again because if I do, I don't know what should I do. I was anxious. I was terrified if I see you smile while I am like this. I got traumatized of loving the people who loves me back because I was so done with all the hurt and pain I was feeling and you were the one who made me like this until now.


After that incident, many situations happened which made me numb and afraid to trust people again. Fake friends. Broken family. Everything just name it. I have experienced them all. So you can't blame me if I have become like this right now. I didn't want anything of this. I didn't even ask for this. And I hate myself for being like this too. Having trust issues is just a part of me now.

Everytime someone would tell me they like me, I would just ignore them and tell them to just leave me alone. They were many attempts but sooner or later they will eventually give up. But there's this one guy who has been there for a long time now. No it's not what you think it is. He didn't say that he likes me. He said that he would like to be friends. At first I didn't really care at all but he never left. He is always thoughtful, caring, and kind. Then as time passes by, I eventually got used to his presence and I can say he is my real friend.

His name is Yoongi. We work at the same company, we're colleagues. He would always wait for us (because we have this circle of friends not only the two of us) at lunch time so that we can eat altogether. He would always wait for us to go home together even though sometimes we went overtime because we had to finish something. He would always messaged us in our group chat saying good morning and good night. Seriously, I never thought I could meet someone like him. A true friend.

We have been friends for two years now. He was there when I would cry over something. He was there when I would squeal in happiness. He was there always ready to listen at my nonsense stories. He was there when I thought no one else was and I'm glad for these. I thought, finally something good happened in my life. I smiled. I'm just thankful for having him as a friend.



Few days after, the company their working at is throwing a celebration party because the owner got married few days ago and everyone is invited to join the mini celebration party.

Jihyo is hesitant if she should go or not because she isn't feeling well. She feels dizzy sometimes. But Jiho thought she should go because the owner would be there so she just drank a medicine. She got ready, took a shower then dressed up normally. She doesn't really like wearing dresses so she just wore what she casually wears. Then she head out of the house, found a cab then went to their office.

Yoongi on the other side is ready to go as well. He thinks over and over again if he should ask Jihyo if he can pick her up and together they will go the celebration party but he restrained himself because Jihyo might not like it. He knew Jihyo still has trust issues and is just slowly healing from it. After being friend for two years now, he knew Jihyo well that the girl is having a problem like that. That's why she became like that person. But he was glad lately that Jihyo is more comfortable with him now and he didn't want to rush anything so he is taking it slowly.

Jihyo and Yoongi both arrived at the party. Jihyo is now with their circle of friends chitchatting while Yoongi is just sitting near them listening to their conversation silently.

Jihyo felt a bit dizzy again so she excused herself from their friends and sat beside Yoongi in their table. Yoongi noticed how Jihyo would causually massaged her temples from time to time.

"Are you alright Jihyo?" Yoongi asked worriedly.

"I just feel a little dizzy. I've been having them since morning." Jihyo replied weakly.

"You should have just rest at home instead of going here." Yoongi said while checking if Jihyo has a fever.

"I thought it would be gone once I drink some medicine." Jihyo groaned.

"From the way you look right now, you look like you would pass out any moment." Yoongi shook his head.

Jihyo didn't respond at him. Yoongi then said, "Come on. You have to rest Jihyo. I'll send you home."

"No. I can just take a cab on the way home. Thanks." Jihyo stubbornly said.

Yoongi wouldn't let Jihyo go home alon so he insisted whether Jihyo want it or not. "No. I won't be allowing you to go home by yourself. I will send you home even if you like it or not." Yoongi demanded as he stood up to assist Jihyo.

Jihyo gave up being stubborn and just stood up. Yoongi opened his car door for Jihyo in the passenger's seat then he went on the other driver's side.

It takes about half an hour to an hour of ride going to Jihyo's house depends on the the traffic. Luckily, it wasn't that jammed so an hour would be the fastest.

Jihyo fell asleep as soon as she leaned her head on the passenger's seat and Yoongi just let her. But Yoongi would glance at her from time to time if there were at a stoplight or people crossing by.

And soon after they arrived at Jihyo's house, Yoongi just parked his car in front. He looked at Jihyo who is still sleeping peacefully at his right. He took this very rare moment to stare at the girl's beautiful face. His lips suddenly formed a curve upwards just staring at her.

To be continued.

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Sorry if there are typos or grammatical errors.

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-AuthorGrumpy :)

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