3. "No, Idiot, We Can't Just Take a Stoplight."

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Thank you so much for all of the heart lifting comments you guys made :) I've worked really hard on chapter, so here ya go~

Also, please read the author's note again!

Also, the beginning is a typical couple in they're happy-go-lucky stage. As you can tell, Drew and Dylan are very, very scared at the thought of V breaking from jail, and are ignoring the matter altogether. Well, Dylan is. Well. Uhm. They're both thinking about it. NEVERMINDHERE'S A CHAPTER FOR YOU

Personally. I think this is another very boring chapter. Fudge nutters.


Give me therapy,

I'm a walking travesty,

But I'm smiling and everything.

Therapy, you were never a friend to me,

So you can take back your misery.

(All Time Low - Therapy)

I wake the next morning with a pounding headache. I can hear Drew getting ready, barely any noise coming from him as he shifts about the room, pulling on a clean shirt and ruffling his hair. I hold my breath as he walks over to the bed to retrieve his boots from under the mattress. 

He sits at his edge, and ties them. I turn slightly to watch his shoulders contract and relax, every simple move he makes fascinating me. I scoot back lightly, blinking as he makes a move to stand.


I'm on the floor.

Kill me.

I groan lightly and I hear non-stifled laughter coming from the other side of our bed. I roll my eyes and try to calm down my pink cheeks. My hip feels like it's going to bruise from falling on hardwood floor. I grip onto the nightstand I attempted to put together and pull myself up.

"Screw you," I huff out as I glare at my boyfriend from across our bed. He shakes his head, smiling a bit too much for my taste. He opens his mouth, most likely to tease on that's exactly what I did last night, so I break in with a, "what time is it?"

He cracks his shoulders backwards, closing his eyes for a moment before kicking off his shoes and climbing back into bed, "Half past six," he reaches out and grabs my hand, tugging until I'm resting my legs at either sides of his hips. 

I yawn to emphasize how tired I am, "It's so early," I complain lightly, as we hadn't fallen asleep until about four last night. Well, I fell asleep then. He was out like a freaking light three hours earlier. I had to deal with him persistently sleep-cuddling me as I tried to edit photos.

Drew looks away as his hands slide down my back until they're resting on the curve of my backside. I roll my eyes and reach back to pull them back to my shoulder blades.

"Pervert," I accuse.

"Nope, just a teenage boy," he winks at me, bringing his hand down to run his fingertips along my almost bare thigh, scowling as he touches the edge of my cotton pyjama shorts.

"Basically the same thing," I choke out as he leans down to press his mouth to my jaw. My nails dig into the sides of his neck, holding him to me. "Can w-we just d-do th-this later?" I say, but make no move to stop him. He continues up and up, until he reaches the corner of my mouth. My breath is cut to short spurts as his hips dig into mine.

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