6. "Is it Really Me Who Sucks in This Relationship?"

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I'm sorry for the delayed updates on everything you guys I've just been so unhappy and so sad at everything lately and idk I need a hug.


You got lights on in the afternoon

And the nights are drawn out long

And you're kissing to cut out the gloom,

With a cough-drop coloured tongue.

And you were sitting in the corner, with the coats all piled up high,

And I thought you might be mine.

(Knee Socks - Arctic Monkeys)

Drew's hands are tight on the steering wheel as he cuts to another sharp turn, making me jolt. I bring my knees up to my chest and stared out into the blank night, the clouds blocking both moon and stars.

"Where'd you get the car?" I ask softly, and he looks at me quickly before shrugging.

"My boss was tired of the tube always making me late, so my agent gave me a temporary car until my bike is out of the shop or I can get a permanent car," he says, voice tight and I reach over to drape my fingers over his knee; he is shaking. With a heavy sigh out of his nose, one hand uncurls from the wheel and he places it on mine, interlocking our fingers and keeping his eyes forward. "I need you safe," he mutters, taking another sharp turn. I sigh and swallow hard.

"I'm safe with you," I mumble, and he smirks a little.

"Yeah, but obviously you're the one who got that punk bitch off of me," he turns and smiles. Then it is silent in the car again, only the revving of the engine as he puts the pedal to the floor the only sound I hear. "CG? Can you call Oliver or Noel?"

I nod and pull out my phone without questioning him. He glances at me anxiously, hands tightening around the steering wheel as he sped up slightly.

I hit Noel's number. It rang, once, twice, a third time. Right when I began to chew nervously on my cuticles, Noel's voice made me sigh in relief.

"Dylan?" Noel groans, almost sounding like she was asleep. "What's up, babe?"

I open my mouth to talk. To say something, anything, but nothing comes out. Drew peers at me, at my panic stricken face, and gently pries the phone from my hands.

"Yeah, Noel? It's me," he says quickly. "Find Oliver and put me on speaker. It's really fucking important."

I take a deep breath, pressing the back of my head to the leather of the headrest. Happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts, Dylan.

"Stop being so annoying," I hiss at Drew  shoving my back pack off of my legs. It's February, and the teachers are cracking down with benchmarks. The alumni weren't kidding, the senior year benchmark preparations are worse than any other testing taken.

Drew shrugs, that stupid, attractive smirk still on his face, as he takes a glance at my Calculus notes, reviewing them for himself. "O-kay. Jeez. Someone'sPMSing."

I sputter, "Drew!"

He smiles brightly at me, his hair messy and his eyes barely showing from how hard he's grinning. I scoff at him, and he shrugs again before resting his hand on the back of his neck, taking a deep breath. "I honestly think we should tutor you in English or something, because your Calculus notes suck."

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