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Dan's POV

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I began to walk around my school campus, clearing my head after a long day of University. My feet were scraping across the concrete floor. I was so sick of my boring every day life. Go to school, come home, eat, sleep and repeat. It began to get tiring having the same routine every single day, I hated it. I let my mind wonder off about all the exciting things that I could be doing and the amazing life I could be living, but no, instead I'm stuck in this terrible, boring school.

Slowly, my eyes began to scan the campus, admiring the dark setting. The black night sky shadowing the ground. Most people found the dark terrifying, always representing it to horror and scary things but I found it absolutely beautiful. The way the darkness could engulf you and let your mind flow. It was incredible and entirely underrated.

I continued to walk and walk until I was far away from the University, exploring the different streets of Manchester.

A shudder went through my body as I realised that I didn't know where I was. I began to look around, feeling as if I was being watched. My eyes attached to a small black van with a man inside, staring right at me with a devious glint in his eye. That's ominous.

In a sense of fear, I started to fasten up my pace, my breathing speeding up and becoming louder. My hand ran through my curly hair in stress.

Suddenly, I felt someone grab onto my arm, pulling me backwards and onto the floor. A shocked gasp escaped my mouth as my back smacked harshly against the pavement. I looked up and saw that there was about three people standing above me with smirks on their faces. They began pulling me up as I struggled in their grasps. One grabbed my hands, painfully shoving them up behind my back. I heard a click and felt cold metal wrapped tightly around my wrists. My eyes began to water as I struggled more, all three of them were dragging me backwards towards the van. I couldn't process what was happening as I screamed for help. That's when I felt a hard force hit the back of my head causing me to be engulfed in darkness. Not the beautiful kind of darkness but the absolutely terrifying and horrible darkness.

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