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Dan's POV

Suddenly, I awoke to my body being thrown and slammed against a hard floor. I looked up and saw that I was in a very small and claustrophobic, dark
room. It was completely empty and the floor was covered in thick filth and dirt.

Frantically, I looked around and my eyes caught onto the two men stood at a large metal door at the edge of the room. One had short, blondish hair and a small beard and the other had ginger hair and a clean-shaven face. Both wore fully black, baggy clothes. They glared at me with a smirk placed upon their lips and one of their eyebrows raised. I tried to ask who they were and why they were doing this but I was unable to get any words out as I was just completely filled with fear.

Their eyes gave off a look of evil as they walked out of the room, slamming the door shut harshly which caused the floor to gently shake beneath me.

Tears began to fill my eyes as I suddenly felt something rise up in my throat. I ran to the corner of the room and let out the remains of what I had to eat today, my throat burning. I collapsed to the floor, unable to move as I was processing what was happening. It was completely likely that I would die here, unless I could escape.

Quickly, I stood up as fast as I could, closing my eyes and holding my arms out as I got a slight head rush. I ran over to the rusty, metal door. Attempting to open it, even though I knew it would be locked. My hands began to trace over the sides of the door, looking for some way out. There was nothing. I checked around for windows. Still nothing.

Anger and despair began to fill me as I turned around and punched the wall as hard as I could, letting out a large yelp as pain ran through my hand and up my arm. Blood began to pour out of my knuckles. I held my knuckle with my other hand as I closed my eyes, giving up hope and sliding down the wall in sorrow. There was nothing I could do.

I sat their, in the same position with my head held in my hands for what felt like hours as I heard a loud crash as the door swung open.

In complete shock, I jumped up, my heart speeding up. An unfamiliar man stood in front of me. I began to back up, terrified, wondering what this man would do to me.

He started to step forward, closer to me as I got a better look at his appearance. His raven, black hair was placed into a small quiff. He was around the same height as me. His skin was as pale as a ghost and his eyes were honestly quite beautiful. They were a unique mix of blue, green and yellow, allowing them to stand out. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive because in complete honestly, he is one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen.

My back hit the wall as I continued to walk backwards, my knees trembling, beginning to feel compressed. The man before me glared at me with a sinister smile, as if he enjoyed my terror.

"Hello Daniel, I have been excited to talk to you." He spoke, his voice filled with what I could tell as fake kindness. His eyes screamed hunger as he stared upon my shaking form.

"H-how do you k-know who I am? And who are you?" I responded, cursing myself as I stuttered, wishing I had sounded more confident.

"Oh, you don't need to know who I am, but you? I've been watching you for some time, sweetheart." My eyes widened as he spoke, he had been watching me for some time? What exactly did he mean by that? My breathing sped up.

"Aww, are you afraid, darling?" He grinned mockingly, emphasising the 'a' in darling.

My confidence suddenly grew as he called me darling. Anger filled me. My ex-boyfriend, PJ, used to call me that before we obviously broke it off as he found someone else. I stood up straight "Don't call me that!" I ordered angrily. However, that confidence was soon gone as I felt a fist connect with my face, knocking me to the ground. I brought my hand up to my face in pain.

"Now I didn't want to do that, Danny. Well actually that's not entirely true, but never mind that. You are not allowed to talk to me like that or there will be punishments and those punishment will not be taken lightly. Also, If you disobey me or try to escape you will also be punished. Follow those rules Danny boy." I glared at the ground, my heart beat speeding up in fear as I listened to what he said. "Do you understand?"

I hesitated answering his question. His cold hand harshly grabbed onto my chin, shoving my head up so my brown eyes would meet his mostly blue ones. "Do you understand?" He spoke more threateningly. I nodded quickly, not wanting to be hurt.

"Good." He nodded, letting go if my chin and turning around to walk away. He began to walk towards the door, stopping before exiting to look at me. "Oh and don't worry Danny, I will be back." He smirked before leaving me alone. Again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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