Chapter 1

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Donatella POV

I strolled through my phone, while waiting for my bus. I looked up and across the

street and as usual drug dealers and crackheads were there I rolled my eyes and

looked down the street seeing that my bus was coming I mentally prepared myself

while putting my phone in my back pocket and fixing my bookbag as the bus

stopped the couple of people that was waiting on the bus with me got on first then

I got on and as soon as I got on the whispers began I sat in an empty seat and


"How does she even fit on the bus"

"She know damn well her ass ain't supposed to be that damn big"

"I heard when her mama and daddy got killed she just started glutton"

"I ain't even gon front she got a pretty ass face bihhhh, but her body is an no no"

I rolled my eyes and just tuned out all of the whispers I was happy asf that this

was my last year of highschool. My bad I forgot introduce myself my name is

Donatella Abigail Fayre I'm 5'7, I weigh about 243,I'm brownskin,my birthday is

September 16th and I'm 17 that's about it and oh yeah I live with my Aunt, because when I was 10

my mother and father were brutally murdered nobody knows by who, but I think I have a clue of who did it.

At the moment I'm currently sitting in 4th period this is usually my laid back period

everyone keeps to theirselves unless its a must we talk one another. After I

finished my work I decided to take a little nap, after waking up I looked around

noticing that it was only me and the teacher in the class. I quickly got up gathering

up my stuff and gettting her attention.

"I was going to wake you up, but you looked so peaceful, so I just let you be."

Ms.Brooks stated.

Ms.Brooks was my favorite teacher she would stand up for me in the hall when

she seen kids teasing me or talking about me also I didn't have to talk much in her

class just because she knew I was shy. She also was like an outlet I could tell her

anything. She was like the mother I once had. She was about 5'5, brown skin about 1 shade lighter than me she a nice body she wasn't too big, but she had some meat on her. To be honest she didn't look like she was a teacher.

"It's fine Ms.Brooks." I simply stated putting my bookbag on

"Do you need a ride?" She asked

"No thanks" I said and mumbled 'I need the walk' and walked out of her class room

heading towards the exit starting the walk to my house.

As I'm walking it starts raining good thing I wore a jacket so I just kept pushing it I had another block to go when I finally made it to my street I sped walked past the crackheads and drug dealers I heard some one calling out "Hey Ma" I kept walking until I was in my driveway I turned and looked over in that direction seeing I man that had on an all back hoodie jogging towards noticing who it is I huffed

"What East?"

"Damn Tella what's with the attitude a nigga ain't even said shit yet" East said while looking me up and down licking his lips

"Because I know you full of bullshit" I said while rolling my eyes and crossing my arms across my chest

"How am I full of bullshit? Please lemme know" He said while bending down getting in my face I pushed his head hard hell making him mug tf out of me I chuckled lowly.

"You just is, you ain't different from none of these other niggas that just want I quick nut to bust so yo ass can keep going on to the next bitch cause yo ass got the wrong one lil nigga" with that I turned around leaving him standing there dumbfounded.

His ole hoe ass need to find a dumb bitch to run his "game" on. I used my key to open the front door and slid my shoes off going upstairs to my room dropping my bookbag down on my bed and slowly went back downstairs going into the kitchen making me some noodles. After my noodles were down I poured some of the water out and put the seasoning in stirring them and I grabbed a Sprite then walked back up the stairs carefully trying not to spill anything then walked back into my room turning the TV on putting it on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta and sat on my bed eating.

After my show came off I jogged down the stairs and rinsed out my bowl and threw the Sprite can in the trash going back upstairs I took an quick shower putting on my pajamas and bonnet then cuddling up in my bed turning the TV on 'The Cleveland Show' after an hour of watching TV I eventually fell asleep.

East In The Media

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