Chapter 8

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Waking up to my alarm, which is my aunt telling me to get my ass up I rolled over yawning seeing Vanna stretched across the other side of my bed with her hair everywhere, I slowly sat up stretching. After a good 5 minutes I was ready to get ready for school. Walking into the bathroom that was connected to my room I ran me some bath water and walked back into my room looking at Vanna seeing she had the same clothes on from yesterday walking over to the side of the bed she was on I shook her

"Vanna come take a bath with me" I said sitting beside her moving her hair out if her face seeing a red mark on her face pulling her up fast sitting her in my lap and asking

"Who did this to your face?" I looked at her as she yawned and wiped her eyes.

"After church Grandma Karla got a call from Karlie saying that she need a ride to the store and I asked Grandma Karla before she go get Karlie can she dropped me off at home with you, she got very upset just by me asking her a simple question and said that "I always want to be up under you" and that you weren't my Tt you are my cousin" she said looking up at me

"Vanna baby that still doesn't tell me how you got that big ass red mark on your face and I'm whatever you want me to be to you" I said rubbing my thumb across her cheek softly

"Well when Grandma picked up Karlie she got in the car and turned around in her seat saying "Hey" to me and since I didn't say "Hey" instead I waved she slapped me across my face saying that I was a disrespectful b word" she said with tears running down her face.

"What did your Grandma do" I asked wiping her tears

"She didn't do anything they just both laughed" she stated which made my blood boil

"So you telling me Karla allowed that dirty bitch to put her hands on you and not do anything, but laugh?" I asked slowly getting up sitting her back on the bed

"Yes Tt Tella" she nodded

"Okay Vanna go turn that bath water off in my bathroom and go pack your suitcase with everything that can fit" I said looking her in the eyes then walking out of my room going into the kitchen seeing Karla sitting at the table drinking some coffee

"Look here you dirty, old, trifling bitch you done lost your rabbit ass mind-


Hearing my phone ring I groan and slowly reach over to my nightstand grabbing it answering without looking at the caller identity

"Hello" I say into the phone while wiping the crust out of my eyes

"Hello best friend?" I sat up instantly recognizing Vanna's voice

"Wassup lil mama everything okay?" I asked taking my phone off the charger going into the bathroom to brush my teeth

"No, I think Tt Tella is fighting Grandma Karla all I hear is yelling and glass breaking downstairs I'm really scared best friend can you come get me?" she asked in a shakily voice

"Stay on the phone and go into Tella's closet I'm on my way" I said rushing into my closet putting on some sweat pants, jacket, and one of my many pairs of Air Force 1s.

Rushing into Kairi's room good thing she was already up I picked her up giving her the phone and rushing into her closet grabbing a matching sweat suit and some shoes putting it on her

"Vanna is on the phone Kairi" I said making her smile hard and start talking I picked her up and rushed downstairs.

Grabbing my keys out of the key bowl and rushing to my car after locking my house back up I put Kairi into her car seat buckling her up and got into the driver seat starting the car putting on my seat belt pulling out of my drive way speeding to Tella's house.

After a 20 minute drive I finally pulled up to Tella's house I reached to the back seat grabbing the phone from Kairi

"Are they still fighting Vanna?" I asked taking the keys out of the engine and opening my door

"I don't hear anything" she said

"Okay stay in the closet I'm finna come inside talk to Kairi and Kairi I'll be right back I'm going to lock the car doors stay on the phone with Vanna okay?" I said reaching back handing Kairi the phone and getting making sure to close and lock the doors putting the car keys in my pocket walking up to the front door checking to see if it was unlocking surprised to see it was.

I slowly walked into the house checking my surroundings seeing glass everywhere in the living room I walked into the kitchen caught by surprised of what I seen...

What does East see?

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