Chapter 10

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It's been a little over at month since I knocked Karla's old ass out, speaking of the bitch here she go calling me.
"Hello" I say looking down as the man paints my toes.
"Tella bring me my damn grandchild before I call the damn police on yo fat ass" she yell angrily in the phone causing me to laugh.
"Call them I don't give a fuck I'll make sure I show them pictures of all the bruises you allowed your hoe of a daughter to put on my damn child. Yes bitch I said my child have a good fucking day Karla" with that I hung up the phone.
She's been calling me every damn day I usually ignore the calls, but today I answered. I know I should've called her out her name, but bitch fuck it she done hurt my damn feelings and called me out my damn name. Over the month and change I've been away from her I feel like I done matured I can speak up for myself now.
Currently I'm in the nail shop with Vanna we're getting our feet done since I promised her if she made a 100 on her reading test I'll take her to get her toes done,but her being her tried to go the whole nine she wanted her hair done, nails done, toes done, and some new clothes I told her ass "hell no" with her snitching ass went and told East now he got me in this damn mall buying this girl whatever she lay her eyes on that's some straight bullshit.
"Mommy" Vanna said catching my attention causing me to look over at her.
"Yes?" I said reaching over tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Look at my toes" she said smiling wildly wiggling her toes making me laugh lowly.
"I see mamas they look so cute" I said looking down at her purple toes smiling.
"Ouuu East is calling me"she said clapping her hands together pressing the green button answering his FaceTime call.
Did I tell you this nigga went and got Vanna and Kairi a phone knowing down well they don't have a clue of what to do with a damn talking bout some "they need a fucking phone I'm sick of them on ours all the time" like nigga don't do that you could've bought them a damn iPad if anything, but here he go wanna be father of the damn year. He irri asf sometimes.
"Look" Vanna yelled as she showed me East and Kairi on FaceTime smiling making me smile.
"East you ugly no cap" I said laughing.
"You wasn't saying that last night" he said rolling his neck.
"You sus fr and what was I saying cause I don't recall nothing at all last night" I said frowning.
"Oh yeah you remember don't act brand new" he said laughing making me laugh.
"Boy bye" I said rolling my eyes
"Where you tryna meet up at after y'all done" he said looking down at Kairi.
"We actually done right we can meet up at Trampoline Park" I said standing up sliding my sandals on walking around to Vanna helping her down and putting her flip flops on grabbing her phone from her hands looking down at the phone at him.
"Aight bet" he said licking his lips looking down at his phone at me.
"Alright" I said hanging up giving Vanna her phone back. After paying the man and women for doing our nails I grabbed Vannas hand walking out to my all black Range Rover grabbing the keys unlocking the doors opening the back door putting Vanna in her car seat buckling her up closing the door back getting in the driver seat putting my seatbelt on starting the car pulling out the parking spot heading to the Trampoline Park.

Chuckles as Vanna and Kairi jumps in the foam pit. Breathing heavily I got out of the pit holding my hips walking over to Tella as she sat in the booth strolling on her phone.
"You getting old ain't it?" She joker laughing.
"Old? Hell nah" I frowned
"Mhmm whatever. How was Kairi's doctors appointment?" She questioned sitting her phone down giving me her full attention.
"It was good really good" I said grabbing her drink from in front of her drinking some.
"I'm glad to hear that" she said nodding to herself looking over at the kids shaking her head making a weird ass face.
"I know you motherfucking lying" she mumbled getting up fast walking over to the Vanna I followed behind her as she starts going off.
"Listen hear you ugly ass lil girl don't be putting yo hands on my daughter you hear me?" She said mad as fuck picking up Kairi.
"Mane Tella don't be saying shit like that to a kid" I said grabbing her hand pulling her out the lil girl face. She was all in her face like she was her age.
"I don't give a fuck she too damn big to be pushing on Kairi look at this" she said looking back and forth between the kids causing me to huff bending down I pulled a hundred out my pocket giving it to the lil girl.
"Go buy you something nice" I said to her smiling genuinely as she ran off.
"Yo overgrown ass tryna fight that lil ass girl I should beat yo ass" I said grabbing Kairi from Tella walking over to the table with her following behind me.
"So you gonna act like you didn't see her push Kairi down? But I'm in the wrong for standing up for my baby?" She questioned getting all in my face causing a scene.
"That's not what I'm saying Tella damn no I didn't see the shit but yes I believe you. You wouldn't want nobody talking to Kairi or Vanna like that so don't do it to somebody else's child" I said looking down at her frowning making her look down at her feet.
"Yeah you know I'm right" I said walking around her back to the booth sitting Kairi in a booster seat grabbing a plate placing a piece of pizza on it giving it to her.
"Thank you dada" she said smiling making me cheese hard.
"You welcome mamas" I said feeling a pair of arms wrap around me from behind turning around looking down seeing Vanna.
"You ready to eat?" I asked her picking her up as she nods sliding her in the booth grabbing a plate putting two slices on it giving it to her when I say Vanna can eat...she can. Feeling another pair of arms wrap around me I turned around seeing Tella.
"Wassup" I said wrapping my arms around her waist looking down at her.
"You were right I wouldn't want anyone talking to my babies like I was talking to that little girl" she said poking her bottom lip out.
"I know I was right" I said looking over my shoulder at the kids.
"I got some business to handle in about 30 minutes you can hold them down for the night?" I asked licking my lips looking down at her.
"You know I got this Thug" she said dapping me up causing me to laugh.
"Ight bet" I laughed turning around grabbing my keys off the table bending down kissing Kairi and Vanna's foreheads heading out to handle business.

Long Wait Huh?
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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