last day of school

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Whittle babbbbyyy :')⬆

Laura's pov:

5 am

"Wake uppppp" I whined into the phone.

"I'm up, I'm up" Maia answered with a groan "Wait, why the hell did you just wake me up this early? School doesn't start 'til eight!" she practically bit my ear off with her protest.

I put a hand over my eyes to shield them from the sun light creeping from my window.

"Well I thought we could have a nice little milkshake together before we went to school"

"At five am?!" she growled.

"Yes at five am It's the last day of school come on, you can sleep all summer!" i rolled my eyes finally getting up and putting my phone on speaker mode as I washed my face and brushed my teeth.

"Fine" she sighted and i heard her shuffle around, probably getting out of bed too.

"Oh anndddd, um.. can you also wear some sports wear too?" I squired out walking into my room again to look at my clothes.

"What? Why?" she questioned.

I bit my lip thinking of an a excuse.

"Uhhh, forrrr.. instagram pictures?"

Esh I'm not good at lying.


"Well we want to look like those girls that just went to the gym first thing in the morning right? Bet we'll take lots of likes from boys!" I interrupted.

"Well when you put it like that.... fine! See you in a few minutes babe"

"See you" i sighted in relief. That girl was boy crazy.

Putting my phone down I looked at my options for work out gear and decided on a pair of grey leggings with a pink sports bra. I took a jacket in hand to wear for when we went to school and tied my hair up.

 I took a jacket in hand to wear for when we went to school and tied my hair up

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Me and Maia liked to do this. We'd always take turns in waking each other up by calling since we were both crazy for sleep. Alarm just wouldn't do it for us. I knew that if I didn't wake up on the first ring she'd annoy me all morning until I finally woke up, and I'd do the same with her. Plus we got to say good morning to each others before anyone else and I found that cute.

"Mornin' mom."I called out as I walked into the kitchen. She turned back from the stove and looked at me with a smile.

"Morning Laur. What's up with the clothes?"

"Going to the gym before we head to school" I answered as she put my plate of pancakes in front of me. Yumm come to mamma!

"What? You two finally convinced Maia to go to the gym?" her eyes widen.

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