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I smiled as I walked into my science class. Lisa; my lab partner was already there on her phone. I walked to my seat and sat down

"Hey Danny." she said with a little nervousness in her voice. I smiled. "Hey."

She looked nervous and embarrassed. I knew it was because of what happened at the party with Kandi. I actually felt bad about what took place that night and after. I honestly like Lisa.

The best thing is to put everything out there and clear the air.

"I'm sorry about Devil."

She shrugged. "It's okay. If that's your girlfriend, I totally understand."

I immediately had a look of horror on my face. "No, no, no She is not nor will ever be my girlfriend. I don't even like her as a person."

"Really? Why were you dancing with her then?" She asked not convicex.

"I was drunk." Was all I could say. But it was the truth!

She rolled her eyes. "That's like the worst excuse to use." She said with distaste in her voice.

I laughed. "I know. It's the truth though. Scouts honor." I put my hand over my heart.

"When were you a scout?" She asked skeptically.

"I wasn't," I admitted. "But I would really like one more chance I like you a lot Lisa." I gave her that charming smiled and saw her demeanor lighten.

She sighed but smiled. "Okay, so can we hang out at your place after school?" She asked.

I was jumping up and down on the inside but of course I kept it cool on the out. "Yes."

"Well then, it's a date." She smiled. Score 1 for Danny
Devil 0
Devil 😈

I sat at the library studying for my finals exam. I had been here over a hour I think. Working with Olivia my best friend.

"So if we multiply the factor you get the equivalent?" She asked me. I nodded my head. "Yeah, so just multiply 2a and 5b you should get the final answer." I explain.

She writes down the answer. "Wow your so smart Kandi."

I shrug as I scoot my chair back. "I guess, this stuff isn't really hard when pay attention and apply yourself." Was I a saint? No but I kept my grades up. I'm aiming to go to M.I.T and study medicine.

"See, now why would I do that when I have you to do it for me." She joked. I rolled my eyes. And push her playfully.

As I was packing my books, I noticed Olivia's off putting silence. I finally looked up at her, she had obviously been staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

Olivia clear her throat and looked at me. "I have a question." she says. I raise my eyebrow at her. "What?" I asked once again. she sighed, "Kevin asked me out yesterday." I look at waiting for her to finish, "Ok?"

she rolls her eyes. "knowing your past I didn't just wanna go at him, I wanted to know if you were ok with it first." I laugh. "Girl, gon head me and kevin aint serious and never have been, we just make out sometimes." I explain as I pack up my things. This isn't the first time Someone felt compelled to ask my permission to go for Kevin. It honestly irritated me.

"Oh." Was all she said.

"Yeah." I spoke back. I laughed and the proceeded towards the door. I couldn't actually believe Olivia felt she needed my permission to date anyone let alone Kevin. I walked to my locker putting my books into them. I saw a familiar face, my heart dropped.

"Hey beautiful."

I sighed and rolled the fuck outta my eyes. "You need to Leave me alone asshole, your trespassing. I could call the cops on you Dickhead!" I whisper harshly.

"Ooo, that one hurt." He said holding his heart as if he was in pain. "Listen, I broke up with you in London months ago. Meaning we're done! So stop calling me, stop texting me and stop talking to me." I couldn't believe he was still harrasing me after months. I wasted most of my time aboard with Mike. Not realising he a lying cheater. But the first time was not enough or the second but when I found out about the other three I was done. Even after I broke things of he countinued to contact and follow me like a creeper. Like even now! His new school is 2 hours from here!

"You don't mean that. What we had was great." He took a moment, I guess to gather what he was gonna say. "Listen I'm sorry for cheating on you it was a mistake."

"No your mistake was getting caught. You don't feel bad about cheating you feel bad you got caught with 5 bitches." I was officially annoyed. Why didn't he get I was done. I would never take him back.

"Why are you fighting it Kandi?!" He asked.

"Fighting what? Stop being dramatic! Your basically a grown man, accept that you fucked up and because of it you lost me. This is a lesson. Maybe you won't fuck up with the next one." I then went back to putting my things up.

"Who is he?" He asked.

"What?" I asked automatically annoyed again.

"Who is he? That's the only other reason I can see you giving up so easily." He looked mad. I couldn't believe how emotional and stupid he was being.

I was immediately ready to attack back at him. "There is no-," but then I thought for a second. Maybe if I did have a man he would leave me be. "Daniel." What !

He looked confused and shocked. "Daniel?" I nodded. "Wait, Daniel Mathews? Gotta be 15? Sophomore? Kevin's little brother?" He asked

"Yup." I answered with a smile. He just looked at me in awe. "Your lying." He accused.

I shrugged. "Why the hell would you be dating at sixteen year old high school kid? Epically since you plan to leaving for M.I.T. Next fall."

"Believe what you want. Even ask around, we were at the party last Friday together."

He was speech less instead of saying another word he walked away fuming. Finally got his dumbass now maybe he'll leave me the hello kitty alone.

I slammed my locked door and walked my ass out of the school building. I texted Kevin.

ME: Hey I know you still mad at me but can I come over and talk?😁

Kevin: sure🙄

I smiled. I knew he couldn't stay mad at me for long. given Danny didn't say what happened in the bath room. Ugh. The thought of that bullshit pissed me off all over again. I can admit maybe I was going to far to fast with the kid but like he said he can make his own decisions. I jumped into my car and proceeded to Kevin's house. I needed to talk to Danny and make him a deal he can't refuse.

Hey y'all sorry for the slowest update ever😖 I had a lot going on with my life but I will be more consistent in the future thanks for the support ❤️

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