Chapter 5 - A day out

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"Thank you for walking me home Johan" Y/N said to the brown haired boy to which he smiled innocently to her.

"It's fine don't worry, sleep well Y/N" Johan said, he wanted to kiss her but didn't want to seem to forceful so instead he approached the girl and kissed her cheek to which Y/N blinked her eyes in shock and blushed.

"S-sorry if that was too forward..." He said and Y/N shook her head declining.

"It's fine, I guess you can say it's your award for helping me, by the way what will happen to him...?" Y/N curiously asked and Johan's eyes went hollow, he gave the girl a unstable smile.

"Oh don't worry about him... I'll take care of him..." This brought chills down the spine on the girl, Johan gave a final hug to Y/N and waved the girl goodbye and went away.

Y/N yawned and entered her home in fatigue and quickly went to her bedroom and got herself ready to face her desired slumber.

Johan continued to walk until he reached the meet up spot of God Dog, he then looked at the Tyler in anger, the members of God Dog beat him up, he was full of bruises and cuts and he had his head low in shame.

"F-forgive me..." The blue haired boy said and Johan just stared at him in disgust.

"Kill this bastard, make it look like a suicide or something" he simply stated, Tyler shook in fear and screamed

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"Kill this bastard, make it look like a suicide or something" he simply stated, Tyler shook in fear and screamed.

"W-why are you doing this just because of a girl?!" He shouted confused, Johan looked at the boy and gripped his hair tight.

"Because she's mine you fucker" he simply stated and threw Tyler onto the floor and left the scene leaving the blue haired boy alone with God Dog.


It was Saturday and Y/N was going to spend her day with Johan and his dog Eden.

"Y/N you look so adorable..." Said Johan seeing the girl from afar, he went closer to the girl to which Eden barked cheerfully at the sight of the female, Y/N turned around and noticed them.

"Hey guys!" She said coming closer to them.

"Aww Eden I missed you!" Y/N said playing with Eden, Johan smiled at this, he was so happy his dog and you got along well

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"Aww Eden I missed you!" Y/N said playing with Eden, Johan smiled at this, he was so happy his dog and you got along well.

"So Y/N where should we go first?" Johan asked, he was excited for this day to ever happen, God he wasn't even thinking this was a friends hang out day but instead a date already.

"Should we walk around? There's a lot of food stalls over there" Y/N pointed at the direction and Johan nodded, the three of them walked to the food stalls.

Once they reached their destination Johan noticed a familiar black haired individual, it was Jin Jang God Dog's No.2.

"Oh hey Y/N and Johan and Eden too" he politely said.

"You know him Y/N?" Johan asked, Y/N nodded.

"I met him yesterday before that..." She said shaking in fear, Johan held her tight feeling sorry for his crush.

"That...?" Jin asked curiously.

"I'll tell you later but anyway me and Y/N are hanging out now so see you later" Johan quickly said and dragged Y/N away from Jin.

" way does he..." Jin chuckled at his thought of his leader having a crush on Y/N.

The place was full of stalls of different foods of different countries it was amazing, Y/N tried almost everything since she loves food with all her heart.

Johan was just enjoying seeing her happiness for the mean time, once they reached the end of the stalls Y/N burped accidentally which made Johan laugh really loud.

"Oh my God I didn't meant to!!" The girl said embarrassed and Johan continued to laugh.

Y/N then smiled at the boy and grinned happily.

"Sorry I just found it funny..." Johan said and nodded.

"I know I'm too hilarious" Y/N said flipping her hair sassily.

"Where should we go now?" Johan asked and Y/N thought.

" about we go to a pet café?" She said and Johan looked at her shocked.

"You're still hungry?" Y/N nodded.

"Food is life!" She said and Johan giggled.

"Okay let's go, that way Eden can come in too, let's go Eden you'll make friends" Eden barked cheerfully wagging his tail.

The three walked to the café it wasn't near but not too far either, they went inside and Johan released Eden into the garden to let him play with other dogs.

Y/N sat down facing Johan, the waiter gave them drinks and then the door opened showing other two people coming in and Y/N chocked on her drink noticing who they were.

"Y-Y/N? Are you okay?" Johan asked concerned, Y/N nodded coughing.

"'s just that...oh God---"

"YYYYY/NNNN!!!" Vasco said hugging attacking the girl, Johan watched this with jealous, he gripped the cup so tight he made it crack sightly, Vasco and Y/N heard the noise and looked at Johan.

"Y/N are you okay?! He didn't do anything right?" Vasco asked worriedly.

"Why the fuck are you guys here?" Johan asked angrily looking at Vasco and Jace.

"That's my line, what are you doing with Y/N?" Jace asked suspiciously.

"Guys! Johan is my friend, I'm just hanging out with him." Y/N said, Vasco and Jace looked at her surprised.

"...Friend? Then what are we Y/N?" Jace asked seriously and Y/N was confused.

"What? You guys are my friends too of course!" Y/N said and Jace glared at Johan to which he glared back.

"Jace let's go" Vasco said holding Jace's shoulder.

"But Vasco..." Jace said in worry.

"He seems friendly to Y/N it's okay, let's leave them alone on their date it's fine that Y/N has that taste.

"" Y/N said confused and Johan blushed at the word 'date' mentioned.

"I-it's not a date..." The girl said lowly and embarrassed, Jace and Vasco left the couple by themselves.

"Ah Johan I-..." The girl kept quiet once she realised the boy was blushing hard and mumbling 'date' to himself, this made the girl's heart beat faster.

"Does Johan like me...?" She thought to herself in awe.

"Y/N can I tell you something...?" Johan asked blushing.

"Yeah..." Y/N replied curiously.

"I-I-I...." He said nervously.

His New Pet [Yandere Johan Seong x Reader] [Lookism]Where stories live. Discover now