Chapter 18

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Some cute fluff is ahead to make up for my atrocious update habits :)


  The two weeks passed as quick as quicksand. Uni was getting increasingly difficult to catch up on with all the assignments due. However, it was was still bearable. Work eased up with time as the rainy days continued to occur day to day. Less people came to buy food or fill up the small café. Though it did impact my last check the last two weeks of work were fine.


Drew continuously visited the café through out my shifts. He made me laugh, feel warm, giddy with butterflies, and happy. He made me feel happy. Drew brought out a side of me that I had no clue still existed. He made me feel a whole whirl wind of emotions.

"-You can come to my place. Blue are you listening!" Warmth crawls up my neck as I purposely take my time to turn my attention back to Drew. "Uh no." I smile sheepishly.

Drew playfully bumps his shoulder against mine before grabbing my hand and drawing me close. "Before your thoughts took over your beloved attention on me, I was asking if you'd like to spend time with me back at my place." We continued walking before I nodded in agreement. I don't think I've ever been to his place before.

"Good because even after I dropped you home I would have blasted your phone with messages." He joked steering me to the left. My whole right side brushed against his left hemisphere. He didn't seem to mind as tucked me closer when winds sped up. "We're almost there-"

Not really up to answer verbally I rubbed my thumb along his knuckles humming in agreement. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his lips twitch upwards. "Do you mind if we make a quick stop to the store, Blue?" He asks slowing his pace as we near a store with a neon sign.

Shaking my head he pulls me in through the automatic door. Immediately warm air nips my cheeks and thaws my bones. "I need milk for coffee in the morning." Drew sends me a heart stopping boyish grin. "Its fine Drew, maybe we can pick up some snacks too, I mean if that's alright with you-"

"It's a great idea Blue! We can watch a movie too." He eases my uncertainty. "However, lets check out the milk first." Leading me to the dairy section, Drew lets go of my hand and pulls open the transparent window door. Grabbing a carton of milk, he stands straight up with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Hey baby, can we make pancakes."

My face instantly warms at the endearment and my mind turns to mush. "I- erm- Pancakes sound goo-d!" I squeak half sputtering.

"You're adorable." He unexpectedly swoops down and kisses my burning cheek. "Drew!" My eyes widen a fraction more as he shrugs pulling me into his embrace. "Are you uncomfortable with PDA?" My mind was a mess. So many things happened under the span of a minute, I did not know what was more embarrassing. "I- I-" Closing my eyes I rest my forehead on his chest. Deep chuckles resonated from his chest slightly moving my head along with the movement.

His free hand rested on my waist holding me while his chin rests on my head. "I'm teasing Blue." Drew's hand runs up and down the expanse of my back comfortingly.

Pulling away I narrow my eyes at his amused ones. "Let's go get pancake mix."

Turning away I make my own way to the next aisle. As my eyes scan for pancake mix a presence behind me is felt. "Organic or store produced?" I feel Drew peer over me before speaking. "Organic, I'll feel less guilty late at night." Giggling, I grab the plastic bag. I adjust the bag against my abdomin cradling it with both arms. "On wards Baby Blue! We must not keep the couch waiting." Drew rests his palm on my lower back.

* *

"It's not much. Don't mind the mess I-I didn't really plan this through?" Drew smiles sheepishly jiggling his keys as he unlocks his door.

"It's fine Drew, no worries." He opens the door and invites me in. Dark nothing surrounds my eyesight until Drew leans over me to turn on the lights. Blinking a few times to get rid of the bluriness, I examine the space.

Through the entrance was the living room divided by a counter top. The livingroom was big enough for two people and a few more. Nothing seemed a total mess besides the few pillows that were scattered on the couch or floor. Behind the counter was the kitchen which was fairly half the size of the the livingroom.

"You have a nice home Drew." His dimples deepen at my statement. "Thank you Blue, come in!" Drew leads me in the kitchen setting down the groceries on the counter. "Feel free to raid my fridge for butter and eggs, while I find a pan and bowl." I reply with a hum and open his fridge. Grabbing the butter and eggs I shut the fridge door with my hip.

"Fuc-" followed by a loud clatter of metals slamming against eachother, brought my attention to Drew. "Are you alright?" Drew jumped back up with two pans on either hand. "-yeah. Yeah, pan slipped." He winced setting both the kitchen utensils on the counter. "D'you find the eggs?" I nod meekly awaiting further instructions.

Soon enough we make the batter and start making pancakes. "Let me try-" I glance at Drew and notice how he was already looking at me. "What?" I raise a brow as he smirks in mischief. "You're cute when you're concentrating."

"Whatever." I mumble as I duck away from his stare. He quickly follows, I notice from the corner of my eye, planting a peck on my temple. Impulsively, I take the spoon out of hand and start making pancakes, completely ignoring his action. He shakes his head before stepping away and leaning against the counter. Silence follows after and I feel embarrassment flare in me. Why are you so awkward?

After accomplishing a nice stack of pancakes, we prepare our own plates. I watch from the corner of my eye as Drew barely drizzles any syrup on his stack. "What are you?-" The words tumble out of my mouth with out any clear consent from me. Drew stops and looks taken a back.

"That came out wrong! I didn't mean it like that! I just- I was surprised how little syrup you poured. I mean it's not weird, but just a little-" His expression morphed to a serious one as I continued talking.

"Usually people pour a generous amount because, hey they're pancakes! But you- I-I should stop talking, I'll stop talking right now." I squeak completely aware of Drew's tense figure. Stuffing my face into my hands I internally groan. Loud, deep, throaty laughter interrupted my silent degrading inner speech. Swiveling my attention to the large fit mass, I find myself confused.

"Drew?" I mewled pathetically.

"Geesus Blue!" Drew grinned as a few breathy chuckles escaped his lips. "I'm sorry." Off-handedly Drew dismissed my apology with a big grin. "No need for apologies Blue, honest."

"I insulted you."

"No, you were teasing me. There's a difference." I frown still apologizing. Drew in return passes me the syrup and ignores my second attempt to redeem myself. "C'mon lets go to the livingroom. We'll watch a movie as we eat." He stands taking his and my plate.

Following in tow, we settle in the couch accross from the TV. Drew in the end decides to have us watch The Big Bang Theory. My pancakes were long gone and along with them, the slight annoyance I held against Drew. I blinked tiredly at the TV screen as the figures slowly blurred. Having taken my shoes off a while back I tuck them under me and lean against the sofa's armrest. Unaware of the brown eyes follwing my every action, I doze off. Faintly, entering a state of mind where I near unconsciousness, I sense warmth encase me.

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