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Chrissy's POV

   Life is short. That is a statement. Because I am the living proof of that word. In my 17 years of existence here on Earth sometimes I cannot wonder why God is so harsh to me... making me live within a 5 months span left.
   I have a weak heart, very weak that I cannot stay outside, well, I can but no more than 10 minutes is enough. All I do has a limitations. My physical, emotional, and mental doings must be limited or else a heavy consequence might be done. I have only 5 months remaining In me. If, if only if there is a donor. But then life's sucks, because there is a long list to wait.
   I am rich. Definitely. But in this generation and industry that doesn't how it should work, not just because you have the power, money, and fame you will not follow the norms, that is why I insisted to my parents that I, we, should wait because there are also other people who badly need a donor just as how badly I need it.
   I am Chrissi Reyes. 17 years old and probably will never be 18. I am a half Filipino and American, because of my state I've been living here in America and add the fact that I was also born here.
   I have an illness that soon will kill me and the only thing that makes me happy besides my family is my only friend... Wattpad! ---- what? Who on earth doesn't love wattpad? It is my secret paradise wherein I can tour around the world by reading different stories. It gives me life that I know I will never have, the life that will and will only be a dream, a life that will never be a reality. But that isn't the only reason, I love wattpad because I have friends there where we often chat when no one sees.
   My family as well as my personal doctors and nurses are strict. Scratch that, very strict! Especially in my sleeping habit.    Uhmm I may or may not sleep 2 in the morning because of reading wattpad... There is this time where I slept 3 in the morning then my doctors and nurses went to check up on me because my parents are howling in pain, thinking that their only daughter had already passed away.
   It was just 7 in the morning, I was peacefully sleeping at that time dreaming on Shawn Mendez, well I idolize him. Who doesn't? Hence, because of dreaming Shawn, I uhmm my parents assume that I already went to papa God then my doctors and nurses explained to them that I was just sleeping little did I know when I woke up they are all crying... Red eyes and runny nose. Oh boy oh boy how I wanted to laugh but I cannot because I might literally visit papa God.
   See? That is just some of the things my family did to me, they are strict... very strict. Wait, did I already said that? Oh well.
   Remember my sensitive being? The weak heart and my melodrama life? Having a span of 5 months to live??? ':) just reminding in case you forgot... Reading wattpad makes me happy because there is this girl who loves to chat me. Before you assume, I am not a lesbian. Clear? But I love them, I actually support LGBT because I believe that we all have the freedom to do the right things for us and aside form the fact that I have a cousin who is a lesbian and she has a girlfriend too which I really like too because they always visit me and they always bring me my favorite chocolate cupcakes and a dozen of dairy milk, which are really prohibited for me but then my cousin always says that I should do what I want, because we only live once. They will always sneak this things here in the hospital then makes sure not to be caught by my parents ':::D Again, remember my parents being strict?
   Oh well, there is this girl from the Philippines, which means my kababayan, who chatted me and said Hi then told me that she likes my username which is Chrissi Grey (my username in wattpad) and asked me if it is my real name. At first I was surprised and doubted at her because she seems... too friendly. But then there is this part of me who actually wants to be friend with this stranger, it is like I can actually tell my story to her... that is where everything happened. That is where I met Rosa Sigourney Marquez.
Jane's POV (Chrissi's mother)

   I knock on my daughter's private room here at St. Louis hospital. As I knock I can't help to reminisce the time where my baby Chrissi is still a baby... The first time I held her in my arms. The time where she looks me in the eyes... The first time she said mama instead of adda and so on... It's like a movie clip that flashes before me and it breaks my heart to see her this weak. Instead of playing outside or hanging with her supposedly teenage friends here she is struggling everyday because of her illness. I know that she is not okay with everything that she's undergoing but then it always makes me wanna cry when she says, "I am okay mom, better than yesterday". This always break my shattered heart into a fine pieces because I know that it is not.
   I knock again and this time it scares me because she is not answering. Usually it only takes two knocks and she'll tell me to open it. As I opened the door it shocks me to find out that...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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