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        I'll admit it was a little wierd seeing Finn's girlfriend naked, but I needed the laugh. me and her havent met yet, probably because she's been to scared to come out of his room. Finn had apologized a lot since that. when Finn told Jack he laughed. like omg he is really awesome! Jack and I havent talk really. he's been editing his videos most of the night. I opened up the laptop Finn had given me. he said he didnt use it. I typed Jack Harries, and then clicked on one of his videos.

        They were really good videos. I watched them all night until I eventually fell asleep.


        I walked into Isabelle's room to check on her. the laptop Finn had given her was on her lap and she was fast asleep. I walked over to turn it off, and close it. she had been watching my videos. I started to smile. when the computer was all turned off i pulled her blanket up and covered her. "Finn?" she asked. "No it's Jack." I answered. "Oh," she said nodding, "Thanks...." she didnt finish her sentence. I smiled and walked out. I changed into my pajamas, and laid down. today had been busy. I'd helped my brother adopt a girl that was almost his age, I'd went groceries shopping, and edited videos. everyone in the house was asleep except me. I turned my phone on and look through the messages.

Casper Lee:

                Hey, when we gonna hang?


                Whenever u want...

        I started to fall asleep, and then I heard screaming. I jumped out of bed and to the place I heard it. Isabelle's room. I ran in and she was sitting straight up, crying. "Whats wrong?" I asked. she shook her head. "Was it a nightmare?" she nodded, I climbed into her bed with her. "Aw, dont worry, I wont let anything happen to you." I told her, "Would you like to talk about it?" she wipped her eyes and nose, then put her head on my shoulder. "My-my ex-boyfriend. He..." she sniffled, "He was horrible. He hit me, and was just...I was with him at my last foster home.." I rubbed her back. I felt a little awkward, because usually this was something a father, or boyfriend would do. "I-i couldnt get away from him. He would stalk me, and hit me... When I got back to the Orphanage I tried as hard as I could to make sure no one adopted me...

        "I tried hard to act up, when Finn was about to adopt me, but the lady said that he was set on adopting me.." I hugged her, "It's alright, he cant hurt you here." she smiled up at me, "Thanks." she put her arm around my waist and fell asleep. I knew if I moved she would wake up, so I slept there with her.

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