Chapter 10

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The next few weeks were very lonely.  None of my friends were talking to me anymore and that left me with a huge void in my chest.  I tried to distract myself by burrying myself in my studies, but of course there is only so much a person can study.  So in those moments that I wasn't studying I was feeling that emptiness in my chest and remembering how it used to be filled.  This often caused me to break down, so I held in my emotions until I was by myself. 

That is how I currently found myself sitting down  in an empty hallway with tears silently falling.  I was sitting alone in an empty hallway where there where few passerby.  I couldn't hold it until i got to my room in the tower.  Ginny was still no where to be found, and Harry, Ron and Hermione were not talking to me because of what i did.  I was friendless and alone.   I sat there feeling sorry for myself, when a girl around my age skipped along the empty hallway.  She suddenly stopped when she saw me crying.

"What's wrong?" She asked, her american accent surprising me. You didn't find many people from America here.

I told the girl, Christie, what happened and she listened and gave me advice.  "Look, find Harry alone and talk to him.  It's been a few weeks, he should have calmed down a bit."

I agreed I would talk to Harry and with that I felt happier.  Christie and i spent the whole rest of the day together reading, talking and listening to music.  It was the best day I have had in a long time.

That day Christie and I became friends, something that I was happy about since i loved her bubbily personality and desire to have fun.  Those dreadful weeks I had spent friendless were now in the past.  The next few weeks were lots of fun as Chritie and I spent every possible moment together.  The only times we weren't together were during classes, since she was a Ravenclaw and we didn't share the same classes, and at night, after curfew.

You may have thought I had chickened out of talking to Harry, and that is slightly true.  I was very nervous, I had betrayed his trust, he didn't deserve to forgive me.  But I promised Christie I would, and I always try to keep my promises.

The next day I woke up early and went down to the common room to try and get some reading done, when I saw Harry already sitting there by himself.  I guess I won't be able to read after all, I thought as I approched Harry.

"Hey Harry" I greeted him nervously.

He turned and saw it was me only to grumpily mutter "Go away Sam."

I ignored him and instead sat down beside him.  "Look hear me out, please" I pleaded.  It was quite unusual for me to plead, and it seemed Harry caught that because he raised his eyebrows at me.  

"My family is very strict on the whole pure-blood and Slytherin thing" I began, "When my Father found out I was sorted into Gryffindor he was furious, calling me not a proper Malfoy.  He was so angry that I was actually ordered to floo home for a night.  That night I was home he tortured me, worse then ever before.  The torture was so bad that I couldn't take it anymore.  I was about to die, I could feel it, so I said the first thing that came to my mind.  The thing that would make sure he would stop torturing me, I said I would spy on you.  At that moment I didn't understand what that meant, but when I did I really regreted it, but I couldn't do anything about it.  I spent the next few months reporting useless information to him, trying to get away with it, and at first I did.  However the time came when I couldn't do that anymore, I had to say something of importance otherwise he would torture me again.  That was the day that you caught us.  You have to understand, I never wanted to betray you, but I was scared.  If I didn't I would be tortured and shunned from the family, and I couldn't deal with that."

When I finished I started walking away with a clear head.  I had finally told Harry why I did it, and that was what mattered.  Now all that was left was for him to process the information and see if he found it in his heart to forgive me.

Harry didn't speak to me for the rest of the day.  I could feel my hope falling, but I just ignored it and continued fooling around with Christie.  He would talk to me when he was ready, I wasn't going to force him.

The next day at breakfast Harry approached me and said those three words that lifted my spirits.  No, he didn't say 'I love you'.  That would have been weird.  Instead he said "I forgive you".  Those three words made me so happy that I felt like I could fly.  We didn't say much to each other for the rest of the day, but at night when we were in our common room we acted as if we never stopped talking to each other.  We were back to normal.  Best of all was that Ginny was back.  Sure we had found out a few days ago that she had been down in the Chamber of Secrets because she was possesed by Voldemort who preserved his soul in Ginny's diary, but Harry and Ron had gone down to save her and she was back to normal.  That all happened a few days ago, but Ginny had been in the infirmary as Madame Pomfrey nursed her back to health.

Now Ginny was back from the infirmary and I couldn't be happier.  Harry, Ron and Hermione were talking to me again, Ginny was back, Christie was still my friend, and best of all, the exams were canceled.  

The only thing that brought me back down from my extreme happiness was a letter from Father telling me to remember that I was not allowed back home.  I had no idea where I would go,  I didn't have enough money to rent a hotel for the whole summer.  My parents had given me some money, but I had to ration it out so it would last me my other 6 years of school until I could get a job.  I figured I could find a comfy piece of grass somewhere and sleep there, since I was now homeless.

That was what was going through my head as I boarded the Hogwarts Express for the second time this year.  I was not ready to face the summer, but I knew I would have to.  Draco wanted to help me out, but we both knew he couldn't or he too would be disowned.  So we decided to only write to each other once every 3 weeks and we would call me by a fake name so no one would know who he was writing to.  The train ride was silent as I contemplated all this and spent my last few hours with my friends and my brother.

When we arrived at Kings Cross Station I sadly waved goodbye to my friends and was about to head over to find a place to rest when I felt someone grab my arm.  "Where do you think you're going?" Christie said dragging me over to where her parents stood.  "I know what happened, how you were disowned, so I talked to my parents and you are going to stay with us from now on."

I felt myself smile at that thought.  Christie, one of my best friends was offering to let me stay at her house.  I would not have to be a hobo.  I could live with my friend and her parents.  I could feel this was going to be a great summer.


A/N:  Hey so there you go another chapter!! And guess what?? It is also the last chapter of the book.  I was smiling the whole time i wrote this, i can't believe i made it that far so as to finish it, even if the end is kinda rushed.  But so much happens toward the end of the book and there was no reason to drag the story along any further.  Now possibility of a sequel is slim to none. Sorry.  I admit that when I started it I had anticipated on writing a sequel.  Actually I was going to write one for each year at Hogwarts, but I'm just not feeling it anymore.  I just don't think I would be able to start and finish a sequel, so no sequel. Sorry.

Thank you to everyone who has kept on reading this story, through all those months where i didn't post.  So thanks to all of you.

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