Chapter 5

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The next 2 weeks i spent all my free time with Hermione working on my Potions.  All that time realy helped since i got to know her better and i started doing better in Potions.  I was now able to produce the Cure for Boils, Swelling Solution and the Deflating Draught (the Swelling Solution's antidote).  However i was still not up to speed with what we were doing in Potions class, so no luck with the Occlumency lessons. 

The rest of my classes were okay, except for Defense Against the Dark Arts but that wasn't really my fault.  Professor Lockhart was such a bad teacher that i didn't learn anything, except maybe that "Peskipiksi Pesternomi" is not a real spell and definitly doesn't affect Cornish Pixies.  Apart from that we've only learned useless stuff like his favourite color.  I mean it's not like a dark wizard will refrain from using the Avada Kedavra curse on you if you know that Lockhart's favourite color is lilac, so that information is completely useless.  Thankfully i've been taught Dark Arts and some simple defenses against them ever since i was 9, so i would hopefully be a bit more prepared for next year than some of my classmates.

After Transfiguration i dropped my bag off in my room before heading over to lunch with Hermione and the others.  Harry was talking about a time during the summer when he was supposed to go to Diagon Alley to buy his school supplies, when he messed up while saying "Diagon Alley" into the Floo powder and he ended up in Knockturn Alley, where he saw Draco and Father in Borgin and Burkes.

     "I was hiding in a black cabinet in this shop in Knockturn Alley called Borgin and Burkes when i saw  Malfoy and his father come in.  From what i heard, Mr. Malfoy was selling something. Wonder what he was selling?"  Harry wondered aloud.

      "Don't know mate" Ron said shrugging.

   "I don't know either, but it has to be something evil that he doesn't want anyone to know about." Hermione added matter-of-factly.

Then they all turned to look at me.

     "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

     "Well you are a Malfoy, so you should know what your father was selling."

     "Hmm, well i'm to sure since i usually try to avoid the chamber under the drawing-room, but it might be that he was selling the music box that knocked people out or the poisonous candles" i say slowly.

We suddenly end the conversation when Harry spies Collin Creevy, this kid from my classes who is obssesed with Harry, and runs away to hide somewhere, hoping that Collin didn't see him.

    "You guys haven't seen Harry have you?" Collin asks, "I really need another picture to send to my brother."

      "Nope, sorry Collin." I say quickly.

Collin then leaves, to continue looking for Harry, and we tell Harry the coast is clear.

Most of the days were like that, with Harry avoiding Collin and trying to find stuff out.  Hasn't Harry ever heard of just a normal conversation talking about something completely unimportant?  But who else can i hang out with?  Since Ginny spends almost all day writing in that diary of hers, it's almost impossible to simply hang out with her.  I really don't get what's so interesting about writing in a diary, it's not like the diary can write back.  But whatever, Ginny likes doing it so who am i to stop her?


A/N:  I know this chapter is all over the place and nothing really interesting happens, but i really felt like uploading and also wanted to tie the book in a bit more, since i realized i wasn't really following the book.  Anyway, next chapter will be more interesting and hopefully have some Harry - Malfoy confrontations (since i love those).  I wonder what Sam will do about those confrontations between her brother and her friend?  And what about the job her father gave her?

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