( * ) meet and greet

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no one has ever seen a dragon penis , so technically you can't prove me wrong -- ❞

bernie is different , simplest
way to put it . he doesn't fit
in , but he doesn't try to either
so it's fine .

he has a few friends - two to
be exact . his cats , named
victor and whiskey .

while bernie is a bit on the
crazy side , he really is brilliant .
he has a mind like no other , but
is not good at expressing his
thoughts .

he suffers from epilepsy , though
he has been lucky and has not had
a serious seizure for almost a
year . other than that , if you'd
like to get to know him , it's up to
you -- i just recommend you don't
get to attached .

 other than that , if you'dlike to get to know him , it's up toyou -- i just recommend you don'tget to attached

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( a jurassic world oc anon ! )

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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( * ) probably a weed dealer -Where stories live. Discover now